Wake Up

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A steady beep echoed in the room. The only other sounds were of my breathing and his on the bed. It's been like this for a week. I was getting too used to it.

I was sitting beside the bed with a book about marine life. Every once in a while, I would read some facts out loud hoping he was listening. After each fact, I glance at him on the bed.

Jotaro laid there still. Half his face was bandaged up. He was calm and docile as ever. Serene even. His head was bare without his hat. His hair was free of his comfort item.

My mind wandered to when I found what was left of his hat. It was torn through where his injury was.

His daughter was well off thankfully. I didn't know what he did during his time stop, but he managed to save all of them except one, Anasui.

Jolyne didn't take too kindly to that development. Not only was she close to losing her father, she lost an ally.

But that wasn't the only thing tearing her down.

It was me.

I grimace thinking about how we met. It was a bit after the rush in trying to save all of them: Jotaro, Hermes, Jolyne, Anasui, and Emporio.

Jotaro, Hermes and Jolyne were stable. Anasui was deceased. Emporio was unharmed physically and was with the girls. They were supposed to be bedridden for a while.

After I was done with my work as a Speedwagon employee, helping them, and got the news, I raced over to Jotaro without hesitation. Jotaro was in worse condition than when he left.

When I saw him in bandages and connected with all sorts of equipment, I slowed down. I felt like one little move could just kill him. As I made my way to him, I grabbed a chair nearby and sat it beside the bed. I couldn't help but feel so helpless watching him. Well, not much as the last couple of months when he didn't have his memory disk.

I reached over to gentely grab his hand. I said quietly, "You did it, Jotaro. You saved her like you wanted to from the start. You saved your daughter. Now get all the rest in the world. You did great." I had no idea if he could hear me, but I hoped he did.

"Dad?" I heard a familiar yell from behind me. I quickly released his hand.

It was Jolyne. She was barely holding herself up with the many bandages and arm brace. She stumbled on over and to us. She peeked at me, but she immediately pulled her attention back to her father. "Dad," she said in a quieter tone. "You better wake up soon." She began leaning to the side as she was about to collapse.

I quickly got up to help her. "You should get back to bed. You are heavily injured."

Then I got some doctors to help me get her back to her room.

I desperately hoped she didn't see me holding his hand.

But I was called out by another doctor that Jolyne wanted to see me.

I went over to her room. Hermes was sleeping. Emporio was no where to be seen. I guess that was to he expected by a kid who have to stand ability to make ghost rooms.

When I arrived, I went straight to Joylne who was sitting up on her bed. She stood when she saw me. It was like she was contemplating what to do.

I stood a meter from her. "Uh... hey-."

"What are you to my father?" She didn't hold any punches.

"Um," her intimidating glare made me stumble over my speech a little. "W-well, your father and I knew each other pretty well."

"Just tell me straight out!"

I sucked in a breath. "Jotaro didn't want you to know. I promised-."

"Do I look like I care? I already saw you holding his hand like that! Are in love or not?" Joylne yelled, cutting me off.

I took another breath in and out. "Yes."

"Since when? Is that why he left-."

"No, he would not do something so selfish like that. He really left to protect you, Jolyne. We just happened to-."

I was caught off guard by a slap to the face.

Jolyne sneered, "Don't talk to me like you're so familiar to me." Her stand appeared behind her.

"Hey, Jolyne," Hermes called groggily. "You should calm down. Your parents are divorced, right? This person has every right to be with him."

"DON'T YOU THINK I KNOW THAT?" Joylne yelled.

A moment of silence fell in between us. It was just breathing. Jolyne's louder than each of us. I had no idea what to say to break the silence.

Then Jolyne said, "I just don't want to see your face." She looked more sad than angry. "Do whatever you want. Just leave me out of it."

After that, I couldn't bear to look her in the eye. We would pass each visiting Jotaro, but we didn't say a word. I don't think we even look at each other. I tried my best to stay out of her way when she left from their hospital room to see her father.

Currently, I was there when I knew she wouldn't be visiting Jotaro.

My eyes were on my book, when I heard a groan. I quickly glanced at Jotaro.

His eye was moving under his lid that I could see. He grimaced, then his brow furrowed. "Mm?"

I gasped, "Hold on! Let me get Jolyne!" Before I ran out, I press the nurse button. I jolted out the room and ran a few rooms over. "Jolyne! Jotaro's awake!"

Jolyne sprang out of her bed. She had a look of eagerness and desperation. It was like she was fully better despite all the injuries.

We arrived to the bed where a couple of doctors were checking on him. We went over to the side the doctors were not on. I let Jolyne in front of me. I knew Jotaro would be happy to see his daughter alive and the same with Jolyne.

"Jotaro! I'm glad you're awake!" I wiped at my tears threatening to fall from my eyes.

"Dad!" Jolyne tried to say more, but she became a blubbering mess as she cried. She held his free hand and put it to her face.

"Mm," he was trying to say something.

She went quiet with a sniff to listen to him. "What was that?"

He looked up at us with his unreadable expression."Who's Jotaro?"

Jotaro Kujo (Part 6) - Remember UsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora