Demon & The Assissan~

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Another Sebastian Lemon. Couldn't be helped that I wanted to do another one. He's to irresistible. 😩🥵

Anyways Enjoy~~~~~😈

(Y/n)'s POV

"Thank you for letting me stay"I say with a smile, I kindly bow as I arrived at the Earl grey phantomhive manor.

"Welcome to the Phantomhive mansion M'lady"The man in black says with a bow. Holding his hand out to help me out. Which I kindly do. "Nice outfit"

"Thank you."I say with a smile. I had worn something that didn't include a dress. I don't think men seen a woman, wearing (F/c) pants, as well as (F/c) dress shirt, with a trench coat over the top, with a (F/c) French hat.

"Follow me to young masters office"The butler says as I take a hold of my things and followed him inside.

"Beautiful home"I say which the man turns with a smile, as he holds his hands out for my coat. I remove it, along with my hat and handed it to him as he placed it on the coat rack.

"I see you have good taste"He says as we made it up the stairs to the main door. "Young master is in here"

He knocks, before opening the door and informs his master about my arrival.

"He will like to see you now"The butler says respectively and I smirked entering. I see the small boy known as Ciel Phantomhive.

"Please take a seat"He says and I do as he says. "What is it for you to come"

"Tch don't be foolish"I say crossing my legs. "I was ordered to come here as a request from the queen"

His eye looked at me in awe, and interested at what I have to say. I take out the letter in my pocket. Handing it to him.

"Why didn't the Queen inform me about this?"Ciel asked, looking through the envelope.

"She wanted me to go and tell you"I say. "She's quite busy for the next few days so she wanted me her personal assassin to help investigate"

"I see...come in"Ciel says as there was a knock at the door to see the butler. "Yes Sebastian?"

"I have prepared tea for the two of you, would you care for some tea M'lady?"Sebastian offers.

"Yes please, just call me (Y/n) by the way"I say taking a hold of the tea with a thanks. He winked at me before standing beside his master.

"You are an assassin?"Ciel asked and I nod, sipping my tea. "That explains the way you're dress"

"Well I mean can't beat the life out of someone in a oversized wedding dress"I say with a shrug. "Need room to move"

"Anyways about the investing we'll be heading out tomorrow, so today just rest off as our guest"Ciel says. I smiled.

"Thank you"I say holding my hand out to him, with a grin. "Honour to be working with you young man"

He shook my hand with a grin also, as if he's already plotted his move.

"Care to play a game of chess?"Ciel asked with a grin. I sighed rolling my eyes playfully, I grinned as well.

"You're on"

In the end I won the game which left Ciel stressed as I fooled him with checkmate. I smiled sheepishly.

"Again!"Ciel says getting competitive which left Sebastian to sigh.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2021 ⏰

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