The Beginning

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Kevin, a College student at the University of Computer technology.Kevin trained to be an FBI, but it went wrong.

He failed the exam.
After waiting and finding a new job, he became close to the word hacker.
He "worked" as a black hat hacker.
Nearly, he was forced to go in a hacker group named "The Statistars".
After 4 days of working... Kevin decided to hack the money of the group.
Project 01 got angry when he saw the money empty.
Kevin left and worked as a White hat hacker, he became an FBI as he dreamed.

He was found by the Statistars.
They did a war campaign, where hackers are forming up.
Kevin did a nice job.
There are 5 different ports, and they need to hack it all to win.
Kevin hacked 2 of the ports.
while 3 is captured by the enemy.
Kevin got them all.
But at the wage of 2, all ports were captured by the Statistars.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2021 ⏰

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