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" m o o n l i g h t "

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" m o o n l i g h t "

" put a girl in moonlight and speak only truths and every man becomes a poet "

in which, the girl seeking revenge and general chaos through bodycon dresses and secrets finds herself in the middle of an arranged marriage

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in which,
the girl seeking
revenge and general chaos
through bodycon dresses
and secrets finds
herself in the middle
of an arranged marriage


in which,
the angry duarte
definitely can't be
falling in love
with the
flirty greenbriar

d i s c l a i m e r

All of the characters in this book do not belong to me. They are the property of Holly Black. However, Guinevere, Aleron and their storyline belong completely to me. Additionally, any other oc's I choose to create will also belong to me.

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