Swing sets

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Sals pov

While I'm walking home I'm think about what happened with travis in the bathroom today, and how he ran at afterward looking like he was about to cry, I don't know what to do I want to help him but I don't know how, I look up I guess I was just so lost in though that I hadn't realized I was right in front of the apartments I walked in and made my way to the elevator I hit B than pushed the key card in, once I got down there I seen chug sitting by the empty vending machine

"Hey chug"

"Oh hey sally face"

"What are you doing out here?"

"Oh just waiting on the guy to refill the vending machine, why do you look so down sal?"

"Just stuff with travis..."

"Oh he's a jerk you shouldn't let him get to you"

I smiled at him and walked up to Larry's door and opened it just letting myself in,
I walked in and Larry's stuff wasn't were it usually was just strunge all across the apartment, that's odd maybe he actually put it in his room for once, I walked into his room and see he isn't there... ughmmm
I walk into Lisa's room but she's not there either, I pull out my phone and text Larry.

"hey why aren't you home? I wanted to hangout"

"Oh I'm with ash, sorry but maybe we can when I get back :>"

"Oh oka"

I took my things and went up to my apartment, I put my bag and jacket and such up then I sat on the couch deciding what to do, I'm just gonna go on a walk maybe that will help,


Travis pov

I walk inside, I kind of feel bad for being such an asshole to sal today but I'll Apologize tomorrow, I walk in and place my shoes and backpack by the door quietly trying not to alert father, when I make it in to the kitchen he's sitting there reading the paper,

"Travis, your mother has gotten sick, so I sent her down to the church to pray it away, your mother will not be back until late I need you to make the dinner"

"But sir I don't know how to-" I started to say before I was interrupted,

"Are you backtalking me?"

"No sir I-"

He raises his hand as if he's about to hit me.
I flinch he punches me right across the face
It stings but I'm used to it. The feeling I get while stuff like this is happening is unbearable. It hurts physically but I'm numb at the same time. I'm scared. I hate this feeling. I hate him.

I feel a single tear fall from My face. He sees this. I see his expression go to disgust.

"Stop crying before I give you something to cry about"

He raised his hand and struck me again. He kept going at it. Again and again and again before I was on the ground curled up into a ball holding Mt face in my hands. Father kicked me one last time and left to his room like nothing happened. I got up and ran out of the door, I ran to the park by my house and sat down, the park was practically vacant at this point no one ever came to it and they only few people who did were homeless people, and kids doing drugs under the slides. I sat there my nose bleeding but I don't care. I sat there let the blood drip onto the chain of the swing.

Sals pov

I have been walking for some time now, before I come across a childrens park, there is writing on all of the equipment and it looks old and rusted, and not a single child was there. I walked around the park till I seen an old swing set there was a boy sitting on it, but I couldn't see well. As I got closer seeing purple sweatshirt and highlighter hair I knew who it was.


Travis pov

As soon as I heard that voice I knew it was him, why the hell was he here.

"Oh so now your stalking me huh fag"

He walked over to me and sat down, God damn it,

"Are you good? What are doing here?"

"I should be asking you the same" I replied

I stayed there not looking up, trying to avoid eye contact.

All of a sudden I felt a warm hand above my knee I looked up to see sals hand on my lower thigh, I could feel my face getting hot and I froze up,

"Travis, what happened?"

"I just fell"

"That isn't true"

I looked up at him, How'd he know?

"Travis please just talk to me"

"Why would I talk to you"

"I'm trying to help"

I looked over at him, his blue eyes just started at me, I never really realized how beautiful they were, oh my God shut the hell up travis

"Travis please just talk to me, I want to help you, even if you are an asshole I believe that under all of that anger there's a good person, who's just afraid to be himself"

And with that I broke, I told him everything and he just... listened, so here I am now, sitting here crying to the blue haired mask wearing faggot.


when I got done he stood up and put his hand out to me, I looked at him confused,

"Come one your coming home with me"

"Oh...ughm.." "oka"

I took his hand and pulled myself up, it slim and smaller than my own hands, and warm extremely warm. once I got up we continued to walk him not letting go of my hand, like I thought he would after he helped me up, but he didn't. he tightened his grip and I could feel my face getting hot again it was probably just hot out here.

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