Chapter 1 Act I

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(F)'s POV
Parker Industries

"Wait, so the multiverse is real?" (F) unmasked. Staring intently at the computer screen in front of him.

"Yeah, the Avengers figured out how to jump between them a little while back. We've had the occasional hero or villain come through for a crossover every once an a while." Peter explained.

"Woah... I can't be the only one that was brought here though. There's gotta be others, right? We can't have been the only ones to discover the multiverse." (F) questioned as he went through the files.

"We've had a couple of run ins with inter-dimensional beings, but I've never been involved or seen another Spider-Person until today. So, this is all kinda new to me. Explain to me what happened on your world."

"Well as I told you earlier, I had just barely woken up before I had to go after the Rhino. After I had knocked him out and webbed him to the street, it was almost like the air ripped open. I tried to keep from getting pulled in, but I couldn't do anything. Before I knew it, I was falling through the sky here."

"Hmm, do you know if your Rhino came with you?" Peter asked.

"I don't. I know he got sucked in, but there's no guarantee that he actually ended up here."

Peter scratched his chin momentarily.

"Do you know how things work outside your own universe?"

"Not much outside theoretical knowledge."

"Okay, well most of it is quite accurate, to elaborate a little bit, something or someone outside their own universe vibrates at a different frequency. So, if we can find out which frequency your body vibrates at, then we might be able to see if your Rhino is here."

"So what do we need? You got any sort of fancy tech around here that could figure that out?"

"Not at the moment, but I think I know someone that might."

(F) raised an eyebrow. "Who? Tony Stark?"

"Sorta... the tech we're looking for is at Avengers Tower."

"Alright, so let's go talk to Tony and get it." Our Spider-Man spoke casually.

"It's not that simple. See something is going on with the Avengers here. I don't know what happened, but they've turned against the rest of us heroes. So if we're going to get that tech, we need to break into Avengers Tower." The other Spidey spoke, his mask reappearing over his face.

"Ooooh fun let's Ocean's Eleven this gig. Do you have a stealth suit I can try out? Red and blue isn't really the best color scheme."



Outside Avengers Tower

Our Spidey crawled into a vent towards the top of the tower. He slowly moved as he did so.

"I gotta say, (F) you're idea for setting the cameras and motion sensors to a loop was a great idea, but it'll buy us five minutes at most. We gotta move quickly. The Avengers may be out, but it'll be less than three minutes for the Iron Man sentries to come after us. The device we're looking for is called an Interdimensional Transmitter it should be able to get us the readings we need and it will allow you to get back home after we get your Rhino subdued."

"Gotcha, what's it look like? Where can I find it." Our Spider-Man moved quickly.

"It looks like a bracelet, a big 'X' on it, it's on your floor, fifteen feet ahead and below you."

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