Chapter 2

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Chapter Two- Visiting Hours

Mason Tidwell

"First you break her heart, then you break her ankle? Geez, Mason, with friends like you...." Roxy rambles off while buzzing into the hospital room. I just shrug in response. Once the doctor's finally got Darcy's pain under control the were able to get her to sit still for an x-ray. She had snapped her ankle pretty good, and before we had time to process anything, they were whisking her into surgery to set the break with some pins and plates. Of course not before Darcy shared how infuriated she was while throwing daggers at me with her eyes and trying to send me away. Her words were dripping with hatred as she kept trying to dismiss me. But I wasn't going anywhere. Especially not after a kiss like that.

Now she was laying peacefully in that hospital bed, enamored by her cuticles and talking about the cute little Daisies painted on her ring fingernails. She looked over at Roxy, her big brown eyes half hooded because of the anesthesia wearing off from the surgery, trying to show her the daisies. Roxy just swatted her hand away.

"How in the world did you break your ankle?" Roxy asked Darcy in the sweetest tone.

These two had been through thick and thin together. They were total opposites. Darcy, with her tall but petite frame, Mid lengthed dark brown hair, and dark brown eyes, pale skin, soft voice, and an innocence that radiated from her soul. Roxy was shorter, still petite, but with an athletic build, Long blonde hair, piercing green eyes, year round carmel colored tan, authoritive voice, had a keen sense of discernment for what was really going on. These two were on two different spectrums, and yet met so perfectly in the middle is was kismet. I had always envied their friendship. They had so many inside jokes, "You had to be there" stories, and a way of communicating with one look that said a thousand words. They finished each others sentences, spoke to each other bluntly, and corrected each other directly but with love. They fought, but never in that catty "she's isn't my best friend anymore" way that most high school girls did. Instead they would simple agree to disagree and respect each others differences. They taught us all how to forgive and forgive quickly.

Gasping in surprise, Darcy brought her hand to her mouth "I broke my ankle? Why would I do that? That was a bad idea, you shouldn't have let me do that!" she chastised Roxy, wagging an enraged finger at her before getting distracted by the IV still in her hand. " What the? I'm growing vines, look at my vines" She showed Roxy.

"Stop tugging on those" Roxy chided her, taking Darcy's hand in hers and laying back on the bed.

"ok" Darcy agreed. "my lips feel funny, do my lips look funny?" Darcy said puckering them at Roxy.
"No, your lips look fine, stop doing that" Roxy laughed out. I laugh too and Roxy turned back and winked at me.

"Who was that?" Darcy asked trying to see me, but I was hidden behind Roxy. Darcy was looking left then right in a paranoid fashion.

"It was Mason" Roxy told her and moved over so Darcy could get a look before righting herself back in her chair and once again blocking Roxy, and my view.

"Mase.....Mason" Darcy said pensively, obviously already forgetting I was in the room.

"Do you remember Mason?" Darcy asked Roxy.

"Yep" Roxy answered the way you would answer a child to appease their curiousity.

"He was a dashing fellow" Darcy slurred out.

"Yes Miss Scarlett, I do declare, that Rhett Butler sure is a dashing young fellow, a catch if I ever saw one." Roxy responded in a fake southern belle drawl, no doubt another one of there "bits" that only they would understand.

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