Part 1 - The Maverick Brothers

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"Walk the plank!"


"Walk the plank you yellow bellied slime!"

"Can we play something else? I'm so bored of being a pirate Mia!" moans Joanie, she's always moaning and wants to be a princess or a fairy. Groan!

"Oh come on, one more hour, i've made us a treasure map and everything! And there is a BIG surprise if you find X on the map!" I plead.

"I'll play!" squeaks Phoeb's.

"Fine, but it better not be another frog in a bucket Mia, that does not count as treasure!" huffs Joanie.

"Ha! you'll find out! Let's go, I've left the map in the treehouse. Last one there, walk the plank first!" I yell in my best pirate voice.

At this, we all rush out of my bedroom, pushing and shoving each other down the stairs in a bid to be the winner. We're all fully dressed in our pirates costumes including hats and fake beards. Mine obviously being the best costume with my hair pinned back in a messy bun and hidden by a huge hat with a feather, an eye patch covers half my face. I was a fabulous Captain!

As we reach the treehouse straight away we can see that something is wrong, the ladder that's always left attached to the trunk has been unclipped and rolled up out of reach and we can hear laughter from above our heads.

"Hey! Hey up there! Get out of our treehouse right now!" I shout up furiously. At first there's silence, then suddenly three heads poke out of the window from far up above. The Sunlight hides their faces so we can only make out their silhouette from this angle. More silence, then a huge echo of laughter rings out startling the birds that were sitting on the branch nearby.

"Go away! This is our treehouse! This is private property don't you know! Get lost dorks!" Calls back a boy's voice that's full of arrogance and attitude.

Anger takes over me, I look at my sisters who are speechless, Phoebe looks ready to burst into tears. "Not a chance!" I bellow back. "This is ours, get down here right now! I'll fight you for the treehouse if needs be!"

More silence...then crack, the ladder is shoved down and unrolls, knocking the trunk with a huge thump, making the three of us all fall back onto the floor to avoid being hit as it swings. As I look up, three boys jump down and land in front of my sisters and I. The tallest boy with piercing blue eyes steps forward first, he has jet black hair and strong looking arms, both hands are rolled into tight fists. I'd even go as far as to say he was good looking if his face wasn't holding the deadliest looking glare right at me.

"You want to fight me for the treehouse!" He drawls.

I jump to my feet to try and match his height, he's taller than me, but not by a lot, he could only be a year or two older than me at most. Adrenaline is kicking in and I refuse to back down, I roll my fists up into tight balls ready to fight for what is mine.

The shortest of the boys who has got sandy brown hair and millions of freckles all over his face quickly side steps around his brother and stands between us.

"St..stop Ethan!" he stutters.

"Move out of the way Samuel." says Ethan who now looks almost more angry.

My eyes suddenly spot my treasure map that Samuel is holding by his side.

"Hey! That's mine, I made this, give it back!" I go to snatch the map away but I'm pushed hard back onto the ground, Ethan is now towering over me, his whole body shakes with fury.

"No one bully's my brother!" He screams.

As I snap my head back up to glare at him my large pirate hat falls to the side resulting in my hair unravelling and flowing around my shoulders and back. I throw off the eye patch and jump back to my feet ready to throw the first punch, but as I move forward the tall boy takes a few steps back. Ethan's mouth hangs open, he drops his hands to his side, all the anger that was in his face has gone and replaced with a look I can't quite place.

"Wow, you're a girl!" Ethan breaths.

"Yeah, and what?" I yell back.

"Listen, I'm sorry, I'd never ever hit a girl, I swear to god!" Ethan says, looking genuinely taken aback before looking over my sisters and I more closely.

My sisters pull off their hats and fake beards letting their hair tumble out around their shoulders as well. The realisation is clear that they'd not spotted we were girls up to this point.

We all just stand there staring at each other for what feels like a lifetime, no one is quite sure what to say first. When finally, the last boy who has not said or moved up until now steps forward with a huge beautiful smile on his face and says, "Hi, I'm Caleb Maverick."

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