Chapter 3 - Demons, Begone

Start from the beginning

Asmo was struck with utter shock as he stammered, "Y-yeah of course, I-I'll be a good boy, p-please put that spear away. " Xiao narrowed his eyes and as he was about to leave, Asmo quickly added, "Wait! Um, can you help us find our lost brother in the meantime? " 

Xiao asked curiously, "Why should I help you with that? I do not know who your brother is, nor have I seen his face. Is he a demon like you as well?"

Asmodeus nodded, "Yes! He had been sucked into this world unexpectedly and now we're trying to find him so we could return to our homeland again. But we have no idea where he is. In case you were wondering, he has blue hair and his name is Leviathan. "

Xiao felt something click in his head. Leviathan? Sounds like a really familiar name that's both old and almost forgotten. He then sighed, "Alright, if I ever do encounter him, I'll report to you right away. " Asmodeus thanked Xiao profusely and the Yaksha gave him a simple wave before he vanished into thin air, never to be seen again. 


"Are you guys ready for this?" Venti asked as he held the Holy Lyre in his hands. Jean, Diluc and Levi were gathered at Starsnatch Cliff to summon Dvalin. Levi had seen the dragon once and he was anxious to actually summon it right now. He looked at the others and nodded, agreeing with them. Venti then smirked and turned around, "Well then, prepare yourselves. For the world's greatest bard shall begin his performance!" 

Venti then slowly walked towards the edge of the cliff, holding up his lyre. He began to strum a few keys before playing. Beautiful tunes echoed from the lyre and it was much better than any type of music Levi has ever heard. It had such an airy tune to it as it carried to the wind, the melody of the lyre calling out to the mighty dragon. Levi waited patiently until the wind started to pick up. 

All of a sudden, there was a flash of blue and Dvalin rose up from below. Levi and the others were struggling from the sudden wind current. Levi watched as the dragon hovered around them, roaring and flapping his wings in anger. What's wrong with it? He wondered. The dragon roared again and it summoned a gust of wind to knock Venti back. The bard stumbled onto the ground and they rushed to cover him. Just then, Levi looked up to see a strange looking thorn on it's neck. What is that thing? Could that be what's controlling Dvalin? 

An abyss mage appeared behind Dvalin and it hissed a few words that seemed to prove all of their suspicions right. The abyss order is indeed controlling Dvalin and they plan to use him to destroy Mondstadt. Levi was too overwhelmed to catch its words but he did manage to obtain a single name. A familiar one at that. Barbatos....he has the same name as Diavolo's butler?

As the dragon flies away once more, Jean and Levi helped Venti to his feet. "Are you alright, Bar-Venti? Please be careful, ok?" She asked worriedly. 

Venti chuckled, "I'm fine. It seems that you've already known who I am, huh? I'm glad that you are still willing to call me by the name Venti. "

"The abyss order are the ones behind this. I will never forgive them for such a crime. I will hunt them down and punish them with my flames for what they've done to Mondstadt. " Diluc grumbled deeply. 

"Diluc....he's such a softie sometimes. " Paimon noted and Diluc became flustered, looking away. "But how do we know where the abyss are actually headed? Could they be hiding in Stormterror's lair? "

"I have a feeling you might be correct, Paimon. There's no time to lose. Traveler, are you willing to help us save Mondstadt and free Dvalin from the abyss order?" Venti asked, looking at Levi with concern in his eyes. They were all rooting for him and he gripped his sword, missing his brothers. But despite the homesickness, he must do whatever it takes to see them again. It wouldn't be long until he can get that chance but for now, he just gotta have a little bit of hope. 

Levi then met Venti's eyes with the same fiery passion. "Lead the way, Venti. "


"Phew, we managed to activate all the light actuators and break the seal. " Paimon said. "Now we can finally meet Dvalin and save him from the abyss. "

"That's right, we have to be prepared for this fight. Dvalin may be one of the four winds but that doesn't mean we are able to expect what's coming from him. " Venti answered then looked away, his gaze dropping. "Oh Dvalin, what have they done to you.....?" 

"Come on, let's go. The more time we waste, the further he sinks down into abyssal control. " Jean spoke, as serious as ever. "As long as the God of Mondstadt is with me, I shall not be scared to face Dvalin. "

"I agree with Jean, let's go. " Diluc nodded, unsheathing his claymore. "Time to set my flames loose." 

Venti let out a happy scoff. He then proceeded to create a portal and send all of them straight into Stormterror's Lair. There was a rush of wind and everything around Levi changed. 

-After the battle with Stormterror-

Mondstadt was finally at peace after Dvalin was freed from the abyss order. The citizens of Mondstadt can walk around and rebuilt the damage done to the city. As everything finally returns to normal again, Levi couldn't help but feel a huge sense of achievement at what he'd done and it felt great. This was something he had never felt in a long time. He could finally see the smiles and laughter echo around him as he walked around the town. He then spotted Venti standing in front of the cathedral, waving to him. 

Levi went to meet Venti who was carrying the holy lyre. "I think it's about time we return this. The Favonius church have been in utter chaos ever since this was stolen. Let's head inside. "

Venti turned to walk in but Levi paused. He had demon blood running in his veins and he wondered if it was okay for him to enter. Levi was hesitant. He walked up towards the stairs and in front of the open door, looking down at the polished marble floor. He gently pressed a foot down and true enough, it burned like crazy. He winced and snapped his leg back. Levi then looked back up and said that he'll just wait outside for Venti to return the lyre. The bard was confused but agreed nonetheless. Levi was so grateful for his understanding and watched as the bard entered the church, closing the huge doors behind him. 

Levi went and took a seat by the concrete steps, thinking of how he can actually find his brothers again. Will there be a way out of here? The city was now so peaceful, all thanks to his help together with Jean and Diluc. He wouldn't have been able to do this without them. He stared down at his gloved hands. Was he really this strong? Or is it only an illusion? He had always wanted to feel strong, appreciated, liked by everyone he met. But sadly, in his reality, that was a rare thing to find. It didn't take long for Venti to walk out of the church and reunite with Levi. 

Just then, two Fatui agents appeared in front of them. Levi was shocked to see them. He ran to the agents but they disappeared again. What? Where did they go? He thought. Strutting behind them was a tall woman that sent a rushing current of freezing icy air. It blew them off their feet and sent Levi straight towards the agents. They grabbed hold of both his arms and he struggled to break free. He watched helplessly as Fatui Harbinger Signora lunge at Venti and drove her hand deep into his chest. She then took her arm out to reveal a shiny glimmering chess piece. Venti  was on the ground, seeming to be weak and utterly drained of energy. Levi was horrified and he cried out to Venti but it was too late when Signora leaves the church courtyard with Venti's gnosis and the agents knocked Levi out cold. 

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