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Authors note
Hey sorry for being MIA for a while, for a while if don't know where to take this story but I'm continuing it anyways alright on to the chapter

Plus don't mind the chapter title... couldn't think of anything 😂


Chapter three :: together like crazy glue

LILIA WAS IN THE COMPUTER LAB as she was going through the advice portion of the column, Brenda her sister came in as she sat with Lilia

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LILIA WAS IN THE COMPUTER LAB as she was going through the advice portion of the column, Brenda her sister came in as she sat with Lilia

"How's it going little sis?" Asked Brenda as she looked at Lilia, Lilia sighed as she dropped her pencil onto the desk table

"That bad huh?" Asked Brenda

"Who knew everyone had a lot of problems," said Lilia "for example... hi Lil, I found out that my boyfriend of 4 years was cheating on me with my sister what should I do?"

"Wow that's messed up," said Lilia

"I don't know why I'm in charge of this," said Lilia

"Well you are good at advice," said Brenda "just think, put yourself in their shoes,"

Brenda got up before walking out of the computer lab, meanwhile Lilia sighed as she placed her back in the back of the chair, that was until a beep came from the computer

Lilia opened the letter as she read it

"Dear Lil, hi I don't know if this counts as needing advice but... I recently found out that I was bi sexual... but I'm afraid to tell my parents because of there high standards and rules, what should I do? Sincerely Martha,"

Lilia thought before typing

"Hi Martha... as a person who parents had high values and standards I find this also hard, I would just tell them and if they don't support you then I wouldn't worry about it as long as you have people around you that's all that should matters,"


"I'm telling you Brandon your sister is brilliant with advice," said Andrea as she flipped through the newspaper of the advice column

"Yeah she's good that she opened a booth in front of our house back in Minnesota just for advice," laughed Brandon

"I mean she's got a gift," said Andrea as she looked at Brandon briefly before looking back at the paper "wait... did you read this?"

"Read what?" Asked Brandon

"Someone asked about their sexuality..."

"Really? In a school paper?" Asked Brandon as he looked at the newspaper, she looked up as he spotted his sister walking into a classroom

"You don't think..."

"She can't be," said Brandon


Lilia walked into the peach pit with two girls as they were laughing, she said bye before walking towards her sister and Dylan

"Looks like someone's a popular gal," said Dylan as he nudged Lilia who grinned

"It's the advice column," said Lilia "did you know that helping people with problems is so brilliant?" Said Lilia "I mean it's like your putting on a mask pretending to be someone else,"

"Looks like you got over your problems," said Brenda as she smiled

"Well if it isn't the advice column girl," mocked Steve as he sat next to Lilia

"Steve," said Lilia as she smiled

"I didn't know you were bi sexual," said Steve as he looked at Lilia

"Where did you hear that?" Asked Lilia

"It's in the newspaper Lilia," said Brandon as he handed Lilia the newspaper

"So it's not a crime to share it," said Lilia "I was only helping a fellow friend in need,"

"Yeah but I think it's something you should keep to yourself,"

"Wow I feel discriminated," said Lilia as she grabbed her stuff before walking out of the building

"Hi Lilia," said David as he smiled at Lilia as he was with Kelly and Donna

"Leave me alone!" Said Lilia as she walked out

"Woah what's with her?" Asked Donna

"Ask Brandon," said Brenda as she walked behind Lilia


Lilia was in her room as she was looking at the ceiling, Brenda walked in as she sat in the foot of her sisters bed

"No matter what happens... I support you,"

"It's not like I rather date girls then guys..."

"What made you think you were bi?"

Lilia sighed as she got up

"I don't know... I guess I just felt like I was," said Lilia "yeah I may have had boyfriends here and there but still,"

"Just don't worry about it," said Brenda "now why don't you come with me and Donna? We're going shopping,"

"What makes you think shopping will solve this?"

"Because it does," said Donna as she smiled "come on,"

"Fine," said Lilia


It was the next day and Lilia was at her locker with Kelly and Donna as a girl came up to her

"Thank you for the advice," said Martha as she smiled

"No problem," smiled Lilia


"Your not bad like I thought you were," said Brandon "I'm sorry about what I said yesterday... I admit it was out of line for me, it's just... I don't want you to get hurt,"

"Thanks Brandon," said Lilia as she walked away


Sorry about ending it here, but I'll try to update this story often but because of my college courses I probably won't have a lot of time but I'll try


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2022 ⏰

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