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You are terrible

It’s like you are diseased

Poison that runs wild in the screams

Poison that I am already used to

Why does it scream so loudly (okay)

I will wake up from the dream why is it so futile?

Don’t come here This is my ocean

I am too busy fighting things that I could not have imagined

It is my ocean This is ocean

Don’t try to block the sun that shines on me


Sweet pleasure is so sweet

that it devours me up in whole

Why does it make so much noise (okay)

I will say it out loud so it resonates

Don’t come here this is my ocean

I am afraid that this place will be tainted as well

It is my ocean This is my ocean

Don’t try to block the sun that shines on me


This is my ocean

Don’t try to block the sun that shines on me

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