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Y/n's POV

We laid there under the starlight, it was silent, but a comfortable one. I was ok with it.

"So, what made you move back to Atlanta," Dansby said breaking the silence.

"I'm not really sure, it could be that it's always been my home and I needed to come back, or that I just needed a new setting that I haven't seen in a while," I replied.

"I mean I get that completely,"

"I mean I really needed to see something I recognized; college was a little rough for me,"

"Talk to me about it, if you're comfortable with that,"

"Well I was a freshman at UNC Chapel Hil in 2012, and only 2 months into the year, I found out my parents were splitting,"

"Oh, that must have been tearable,"

"Ya, but thank god I had Ashley, she helped me through a lot of it,"

"Wait, who's Ashley,"

"Oh I should have mentioned that she's my roommate; she was my college roommate too,"

"Normal those things don't work out,"

"That's what I thought,"

"What did you major in," he asked.

"I majored in Sports and Exercise Science and minored in Photography,"

"Why didn't you major in Photography,"

"Well, It doesn't make a lot of money, and it's more of a hobby for me,"

"Gotcha ya,"

"Um...It's getting late I should probably go," I said looking at my phone.

"Here let me help you up," he said reaching for my hand.

"Thank you, kind sir," I said.

"Your welcome, ma-lady," he replied making me giggle.

We packed up the basket and walked through the dugout to the clubhouse. And out to the parking lot.

"Uhh the parking garage is closed, I can't go get my car,"

"I can drive you home,"

"No, it's ok I'll figure it out,"

"I don't think you will,"

"So, you don't believe in me, Swanson,"

"I just don't want you to get hurt, or lost, I mean you just moved back, the city has changed more than you think it has,"

"Ok, fine," I said walking with him to his car.

The car ride was calm, it was like I was going on a late-night drive with my best friend. But I had only just met Dansby 6 hours ago.

"Oh, this is my house,"

He got out of the car and opened my door for me.

"Such a gentleman, your momma raised you right,"

"Yes, she did," he said as he walked me to the door.

"I had a really good time tonight," he said.

"So, did I,"

"We should do this again sometime if you would like,"

"I would love that," I said as he gave me a hug.

I unlocked the door and there was Ashley on the couch.

"How long have you been there,"

"Oh, I don't know, since I got home,"

"Oh my god,"

"So, how was it tell me everything,"

And that is how I spent my entire night talking to Ashley about how my "date" with Dansby Swanson went. I do now realize that it was definitely a date. After I finally caught her up on everything that happened, I went back to my room the change into something more comfortable. When I found something in the pocket of my jeans.

"Ashley, Oh my god, Ashley," I yelled.

"What, what," she said as she ran it to my room.

"Look," I said giving her the note I had found in my back pocket.

"He gave you his number and told you to call him," she said squealing.

"Your gonna call him right,"

"I will tomorrow, I mean we are going to the game too,"

"True, you can see your loverboy again,"

"Oh stop it, he's not my loverboy," I said hitting her arm.

"Well, I'm going to bed, and its late, and I will have to help you look hot tomorrow for your loverboy,"

"He is not my loverboy," I said blushing.

"Oh, he definitely is," she said as she went into her room.

I went into my bathroom and took off my mascara. I'm so tired, I thought. I crawled into my bed and thought about all the amazing things that happened today. And ended up falling asleep to the through of me and the baseball player under the starlight.

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