Please Stay

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The overdue part 2 to "Please Stop"

Third Person POV


Taichi sighed as he leaned against the cold concrete wall. He was currently waiting for a certain someone. He looked up at the sky that was slowly darkening and huffed.

'If there's some type of God up there, then please give me some good luck, just this once.'

He almost jumped at the sudden call of his name right beside him.

"Hey Kawanishi! It's been a minute now hasn't it?"

Taichi looked over and there stood Eita Semi in all his glory. He had on basic blue jeans, a black jacket, and the same cross necklace he has had since high school. His hair was longer and pulled back into a small ponytail that was barely long enough to be considered one.

Taichi nodded his head in acknowledgement.

"It had been quite a while. C'mon, we should go in."

They walked into the small diner and were immediately hit with the smell of ramen.

Eita practically dragged him to a table towards the corner of the diner and they sat down across from each other.

They immediately began to catch up with each other, only stopping briefly to order their drinks and food.

Once they finished eating and they stepped out the restaurant, Taichi finally decided that he would talk to Eita about what he had been meaning to talk about.

"I've enjoyed our time together Semi, but I don't want to let you leave without talking to you about what I've been meaning to."

Eita looked at Taichi and immediately knew it was serious. He nodded his head telling him to go on.

Taichi huffed before looking Eita straight in the eyes and finally saying what's been on his mind.

"Semi, I need you to meet him. I know it's sudden but he continuously asks me-"

Eita looked more confused than Taichi imagined he would.


Taichi was dumbfounded. He didn't know? Taichi at least thought he was aware, but he honestly didn't have a clue?

"What do you mean 'who'? You honestly don't know what I'm talking about?"

Eita shook his head no. He had promised Taichi that he would at least tell Eita but of course he didn't. He could feel a headache coming on but he kept his composure anyway. Taichi sighed for the nth time tonight.

"Your kid."

"What the hell do you mean by my kid?"

It was silent for a few beats.

"...He really didn't tell you..."

"Who Taichi? Who didn't tell me what!?"

Eita was now getting frustrated. He had always been hot-headed and Taichi dragging out this conversation really wasn't helping that.

"There's no easy way to say this so I'm just gonna tell it to you straight, don't freak out."

Eita nodded.

"You have a son."

Eita actually laughed. He thought this was a joke. However he stopped quick after he saw that Taichi was dead serious.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2021 ⏰

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||Please Stay|| - SemiShira Oneshot SequelWhere stories live. Discover now