•𝗗𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗵'𝘀 𝗗𝗼𝗼𝗿•

Start from the beginning

"Why? Is something wrong with you and Nikki? Had an argument or something?"

"Nah, Nik's just quieter than usual at the minute... I'm kinda worried about him" I say as my mom enters the room and also sat down next to my dad.

"What are you two talking about?" Mom wonders trying to gauge where we are in the conversation.

"Nikki" I muttered and my mom's eyes lit up a little.

"Ah, how is he?"

"He's... he's alright" I say this then with an entirely forced smile still feeling like something was horribly wrong back home.

"You don't sound confident" my mom deducted and yeah, it wasn't a hard deduction to make.

"I guess I'm not... he-... he's hit another rough patch, he's been in it for a few months and I guess I'm lost on what to do"

"Oh, oh dear, have you tried talking to him?"

"I tried that but if he doesn't want to talk he won't... we end up in an argument and I don't want to risk making him feel worse, he won't let me help him I don't know what to do"

My mom looked to my dad and he liked at her before both then looking to me "If anyone was to get through to him and past his walls it'd be you" my dad says trying to be reassuring but it offers me none because they don't know the half of it.

"You'd think... but he shuts me out... somethings up, he's been so weird... I'm really worried about him, he's blocking me out and that makes me think that he's hiding something from me"

"Hiding what?"

"I don't know"

"Are you sure it's as bad as you're imagining? You could just be worrying over nothing" my mom spoke hopefully, but again, I couldn't quite believe her.

"You're not with him all the time, I know him mom... I know him and I know he's lying to me, his depression is worse than you think, it's probably even worse than I think... he's struggling and I feel like I'm letting him down by not doing anything to help, I'm just letting him suffer, but if he won't tell me anything and won't see anyone what can I do? I need to do something, I can't figure out what"

It was clear by the looks on my parents faces they wanted to help me and give advice bur without knowing the situation they couldn't give me any, I needed it though because I think I've fucked up, I'm letting Nikki suffer... but it's not like I don't try, forcing Nikki to do something he doesn't want to do isn't a good idea, he just builds walls and blocks you out... but should I be doing something?

This situation is tearing me apart, I'm watching Nikki break and there's nothing I can do about it... it kills me to watch the man I love crumble before my eyes without a clue on how to fix him without him allowing me to help.

I shouldn't have left Nikki alone...

"I wish we could help you... offer you some advice, son but... we can't" Dad spoke regretfully and I nodded.

"That's okay... I didn't expect you to give me any... I tried to get Nikki to come with me but he's a stubborn dick"

"It's okay, we'll make sure to see him soon" mom mutters before deciding to change the subject, not sure whether that was a thing to be happy about or not "Do you want a drink? Coffee, maybe?"

𝗜𝗳 𝗜 𝗗𝗶𝗲 𝗧𝗼𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗿𝗼𝘄 🤍Where stories live. Discover now