Ch. 44

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Ch. 44

Buddy's POV

My mom hounded me immediately, she was so worried I had a concussion. As far as I knew, I could've. I've never had one but I didn't care right now. 

I don't think I'm angry at Eric, just more disappointed that he drew attention to us. It made us suspicious to our peers. I know how people work here, they feed off this.

"..and then I get a call saying you were in a fight!-" Oh no, I had been daydreaming and zoned her out. "I was so worried you were gonna have to go the hospital or you were dead!" She screamed out hysterically while driving, she gripped the steering wheel hard.

"Mom, come on that's a bit dramatic." I laughed at her exaggeration.

"What do you expect me to think, Buddy? This is your second fight since you've been with Eric..." She trailed off and went silent.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask feeling suspicious of her, slightly offended she's speaking of Eric like that.

"Um.. well- never mind. I don't know why I said that." She's lying.

"No. Say it. Do you not... like Eric?" I ask confused.

"That's not what I said."

"But you're implying it." I said, my voice raising. "Eric didn't even start this, mom. He put those dumbass dicks in their place!"

"Buddy-" She said softly.

"No, mom. Eric didn't even throw a single punch. He got knocked out by the first punch that was thrown by that stupid jock. He didn't do anything! If anything you should be proud of him and happy I'm with someone as brave as Eric." I said all so fast, I didn't even realize I thought of the situation like that. I was almost out of breath.

She didn't say anything, she nodded but stayed quiet. I caught myself speechless too.

"He's brave for standing up to them." I repeated, I think telling myself that more than telling her.

"I know." She said quietly. "He's made you happier than I've ever seen you." She smiled at me.

I laughed softly. My one good eye was ready to cry again. "Yeah. Yeah, he makes me happy. Even if he can be a dumbass sometimes." I said, my voice wavering. God, I made myself look like an idiot, I made him look stupid and I didn't mean to. He was protecting me, this was different than Hyde and I's feud. Mine was stupid jealousy and I had the audacity to compare the two situations when they are not the same.

I started to cry, my swollen eye was screaming in pain, the tears stung as they fell. My whole body aches. Physically, I look like a damaged punching bag. I feel like that emotionally too. I let my feelings get to the best of me.

"Oh honey, I'm sorry." Mom said and reaching for my hand to hold.

I shook my head and sniffed, "No, it's not you. I think I've made this complicated situation worse." Eric's probably upset now.

"How? What else happened, Buddy?"

"I told him what he did was stupid and I was way too... weird to him when he woke up, too cold."

"Hm. Well, maybe you can call him tonight and talk it out. He loves you, I can see it." She squeezed my hand.

"Yeah, I'll call him later." I nodded and wiped my tears.


Later that night, I was watching TV with mom in the living room. My swollen eye was slowly opening more again, the swelling decreased significantly which surprised me. I was able to watch the TV with a slight blur.

Mom yawned and looked at me sleepily, "Oh man, I'm tired. I'm gonna go to bed." She stood up and planted a kiss on my head lightly. "Don't stay up too late, you need to rest that broken body."

"I won't." I smiled at her and eyed the phone sitting behind her.

"Don't be too loud either." She said, knowing I was going to call Eric.

"I won't." I said again. I waited until I heard her footsteps recede upstairs and into her room before walking over to the phone. I took the receiver and set it on the floor. Sitting down gently on the carpet, I picked it up and dialed the Forman's house, desperately hoping I don't wake or upset his parents.

It rang twice before Eric's voice answered. "Hello?"

I sighed and felt my eyes water just hearing his voice. "Hi." Was all I could muster.

"Buddy..." He said surprised to hear me. "How's your eye?"

I sniffed, trying to breathe enough to speak. "It's good. Good. Yeah it's opening slowly."

"Are you okay?" He asked gently, hearing my sniffles and crying voice.

My lip was trembling, "I'm sorry." I said fully crying now. Heavy breathing and deep sobs but I kept them as muffled as possible so my mom didn't hear. Eric was quiet on the other line, listening to me crying. "I'm sorry for being so weird today when you woke up. I thought I was angry." Another sob got let out. "But I'm not. I love you."

He was still quiet on the line while I sniffed and my nose was running. I felt weird crying to silence.

"Eric?" I asked, afraid he hung up.

"I'm here." His voice faltered. He's crying too.

"Okay, good." I whispered, feeling a smile cover up my sobs.

"I was uh-" He sniffed, "worried you were going to break up with me." He said with a slight chuckle.

"You'd have to do more than that to lose me, Forman." I said laughing too.

I could hear his smile from other end of the line, his beautiful smile.

"I love you." He said softly on the phone. I closed my eyes at him saying that, holding the phone closer to me like it was him directly talking in my ear, the relief flowing through me.

"I love you." I said back.

There was a moment of happy silence, the tension from before was gone. It was so thick and painful I'm glad it's not there anymore.

"So, something happened when I got home today." Eric said breaking the quiet.

"What?" I asked nervous.

"I told my dad you were my boyfriend." I can hear his smile again, this has a good ending.

"Oh my god what?" I asked excitedly.

"Yeah, he took it really well. He was more surprised you were dating me out of everyone else." He said giggling.

"Well duh, I'm so out of your league." I laughed with him.

"Yeah I've noticed that trend when it comes to people dating me. That's also why I was nervous you'd break up with me because how embarrassing would that be? I came out and then got broken up with on the same day."

"That's why you were worried I would break up with you?" I ask teasing him.

"Well, that and I'd lose the love of my life. Same thing." He said teasing back.

I exhaled a laugh.

"I have to go, I had a feeling you'd call- or I would eventually call you-so I hung out in the basement for a while. I'll see you at school tomorrow?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Goodnight, Buddy." He whispered.

"Goodnight, Eric." I whispered back. I heard a small click on his line and then followed by the hum of the dial tone. I lightly dropped the phone back on the receiver and leaned against the wall. "Goodnight." I said softer to myself. 

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