You Were Admiring My Face?

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The room was quiet.

"I didn't expect myself to cry."

Naomi's head lingered on his shoulder, their legs almost touching. He couldn't remember how long it had been since the song ended. Declan wanted to look at her, to put his arm around her, to hug her close. He stayed still.

"Me neither."

Naomi lifted her head to look at him, leaving his shoulder cold. "You cried too?"

"No, I just didn't think you would cry."

Naomi cracked a smile. "I think you freaked out a little bit,"

"I did," Declan laughed. "but zoning out and getting emotional are all part of the process, so I don't blame you." She hummed in response and they fell silent again. "Can I know what you were thinking about? If you wanna share, of course."

Naomi brought her knees up to her chest, hugging them and placing her chin on top. "I think I was just mourning my past self. Some of those lyrics must've brought back a repressed memory or something because I just started wondering, when was the last time I really felt free, you know? I usually avoid thinking about that stuff, so it probably built up."

Declan nodded, not wanting to say anything in case he ruined the moment. Naomi tilted her head and laid her cheek flat against her knees. Her face was turned towards him.

"I don't know why I never resorted to music before, but it makes a lot of sense now as to why you love it so much." Naomi shook her head. "I don't even know how to describe it. I'm so used to this weight in the back of my mind like, all the time. I forget about it when I'm with you-" She cleared her throat. "-or you and the others. But it's just always there. But today might have been one of the first times I could physically feel it.. disappear. I feel like I can breathe."

Declan knew what she was talking about, that feeling of letting thoughts flow with no barriers, simply because you're too exhausted to stop them. The build-up of stress, tension, and gloom until you, rather than explode, just let down your walls. Declan was glad that the song brought that relief out in her, the same way music always did for him.

Suddenly, Declan's phone pinged with a notification. He opened it to see it was a text from Jordan.

Jordan: AUTOMATED MESSAGE: This is your friendly neighborhood Cockblock Clock here to remind you not to take advantage of your emotionally vulnerable friends! Just because they're opening up to you, doesn't mean they like you back <3

Against his will, the corner of Declan's mouth quirked up in a smile. He forced it back down.

Declan: you know id never do that

Declan: I just wanted to help her feel better without too many people around to drain her energy

Jordan: its an automated message. stupidass

Jordan: AUTOMATED MESSAGE: This is your friendly neighborhood Cockblock Clock here to remind you not to take advantage of your emotionally vulnerable friends! Just because they're opening up to you, doesn't mean they like you back <3

Declan: you have a special talent for assuming the worst in me

Declan put his phone down to catch Naomi staring at him, her cheek still pressed against her knees that her arms loosely hung around.

"Is something on my face?" He asked, bringing a hand to his face to feel around.

Naomi blinked, seeming to snap out of it. "No, no. I guess it's a long story but a while ago Jordan told me that he, being an artist and all, catches himself admiring peoples faces and natural features. For art purposes, of course. And he doesn't realise he's doing it until he gets caught."

Bad DaysTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon