Misery of unacceptance

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A while passed , turns out andrew's dad fought james's dad after he visited him to tell him what's new.
"How dare you , how could your son to something like this to my son!" Andrew's dad
"DONT SCREAM AT ME AND ACT LIKE YOURS IS THE INNOCENT ONe! Nothing would've happened if you raised your son a little bit better" james's dad
they both kept arguing then started fighting punching each other never wanting to accept that fact that it isn't anyone's fault.

A couple of months past.
They both find a shelter haunted house somewhere and hide in it they live in it normally thanks to their fishing and farming skills , one day two cops knock the door cause they heard some noises in the house that was known to be haunted.
"Hello , anyone there?"
They both get silent and end up kicking the door down.
"Holy shit , peter , it's them! The wanted criminal!"
"So they've been living in this haunted house , how clever but you can't run anywhere now , you're trapped."
"Catch them right now!"
One of the cops ties up Andrew's hands using a rope
"You ! Get the other one"
The other cop approaches james and about to arrest him as well.

[almost confirmed]
Then suddenly , Andrew hits the cop behind him using the back of his head , heating him head to head , then kicks the other officer that was heading to james.
He says then gets pulled by the officer that he hit by his head "peter" was his name.
"Fuck , you little crap , my noise is bleeding , ugh."
He wipes it then knocks Andrew saying "shut up already , go to sleep for now."
The other officer gets stopped by peter as he was about to chase james.
"Calm down , it'll be alright , let him go.
He won't be able to run far , everyone is looking for him , even his family will tell on him probably after what he did , what a shame."

James starts running and gets further further , he managed to barely survive hiding mostly in corn fields and stuff like that.

He stole some clothes from other houses when they were getting dried outside.
He eventually found a super big hat that could hide his face most times , it wasn't so fancy and clean but he took it.

After running and running , he started to walk thinking he lost them , then he sees them from far looking for him that leaves him no choice but to keep hiding in corn fields , he heard some noises getting closer all of a sudden , he then heard a weird "cling cling"
He looks up seeing a girl with a hot and a super pretty colorful dress , has blue sky eyes , pointing a rifle to his head "who the hell are you and what the hell are you doing here?!"

He gets scared and says "oh I'm so sorry , excuse me i should go now." He stands up and is about to leave.
"Do you think it's that easy? Try to leave and I'll shoot , you're staying here you heard me ?! Now explain yourself before i blow your brain!"
"Dear ! Is everything alright out there , what did you find? Is it an animal again?!"
"Yeah , a really big one."
She takes off james's hat and says "oh , so it's you , james , i heard of what you did."
"Fuck..shit , she's probably gonna report me and get a reward.." he says in his head..

He then stands up to run , she ends up knocking him on the floor using the back of her rifle.
"Shit you left me now choice , bud." He heard her say before as he passes away.

Chapter 3 : little sunflower riding hood
He wakes up finding himself on a bed.
"He's awake , dear come here."
"Morning , i didn't know a knock like that will cause you to sleep for days like you did"
"Why didn't you kill me?"
"Oh hehe what an easy question , it's cause i actually only like girls myself....i also happen to know who you are , the cops are looking for you , you're a criminal in their eyes , it's rare to find people like us though , i hate how misunderstood we are ."
"So you won't kill me?"
"Of course i won't your accepted here and the old woman you heard earlier is my grandmother , she took care of me when my parents passed out , she's sweet as hell when you get to meet her and her cooking is super delicious , oh and also I'm sorry for that hit earlier you left me no choice."
"Oh no you had the right to do so , i would do the same if i found a stranger like that hiding in my house , i would probably think it's-a robber and kill him so thanks for not doing that...so you say you only like girls yourself does that mean I'm not the only one who's different!"
"Of course , you're not besides nobody's ever alone , well that's what i believe i guess , cause no matter how lonely you are , someone will come to you one day and help you stop feeling the loneliness."

Destined soulmates On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara