Judging rubrics

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JUDGING RUBRICS (For all categories except poetry)

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JUDGING RUBRICS (For all categories except poetry)

Total Points: 100

TITLE- 5 points

~ Does the title suit the story line

~ does it ignite the curiosity in the reader.

~ Is it easy to remember

BOOK COVER- 5 points

~ Is the book cover unique and creative in it's own special way?

~ Well-made or not, do the image and the font go well together?

~ Does it have the important content mentioned, like the name of the book, author's name

~ Is the book cover related to the book

~ Does the book cover draw the attention of the reader.

BLURB- 5 points

~ Does the description expand the curiosity of the reader

~ Is it easy to understand?

~ Does it introduce the main characters, the conflict and the important things to know before reading the book

PLOT- 15 points

~ How well is the plot written?

~ Is the concept, plot refreshing, unique and compelling

~ Is the plot original?

~ Is it moving at a reasonable rate, or is it too fast or too slow.

CHARACTERS- 15 points

~ Are the characters realistic?

~ How well are the emotions, thoughts of the characters portrayed?

~ Is there character development or not?


~ The appropriate length of the chapters, based on its audience and type of story.

~ Are the paragraphs and sentences in an organized manner or not?

~ Are there too many filter chapters?

~ Conflict- How intriguing are the fights on a scale of 1 to 10? Because the characters, together with their motivations and abilities, genuinely lead to a storyline, one must also consider the plot's twists and turns. How resourceful are they? How exciting is that? How captivating?


~ Is basic Grammar used properly or not?

~ Reasonable violations of Grammar should be rare.

~ The book should have proper tense

~ Most of the spellings in the book should be correct

WRITING STYLE- 10 points

~ Writing should be creative

~ Ideas and style should be imaginative and refreshing.

~ Dialogues are not overused, with less than required narrative. It should also support plot development.


~ How much does the reader enjoy while reading the book?

~ Does the reader get bored while reading it?

~How much engagement is present while reading?

FOLLOWING- 5 points

~ Is the participant following the community and the judge? (2.5 for each)


~ The judge has to summarize the points in a few lines, about what the author should work on, in editing/writing, a short review and their opinion.

~ Wish the author good luck.

~ Feedback, views, what and how they can improve will be provided by the community's side, by combining the Judge's opinion and their opinion.


Total Points: 100 points


~ Does the title suit the main theme of the poetry or it's collection?

~ does it ignite the curiosity in the reader.

~ Does it go with the content?

BOOK COVER- 10 points

~ Is the book cover unique and creative in it's own special way?

~ Well-made or not, do the image and the font go well together?

~ Does it have the important content mentioned, like the name of the book, author's name

~ Does the book cover draw the attention of the reader.

BLURB- 10 points

~ Does the description expand the curiosity of the reader

~ Is it easy to understand?

~ Does it have a short description of what is to be read inside?


~ Is the poem creative and unique in any way?

~ Is it original?

~ Does it give a message to the readers?

FOLLOWING- 10 points

~ Is the participant following the community and the judge? (5 for each)

IMPACT- 10 points

~ Does the poem have any effect on your sentiments and understandings?

~ Do you have any feelings after reading the poem?


~ Was any kind of poetic device used?


- Is there a lack of depth and pattern in the poem?

- Is there a rhythm and pattern going on, and how effective was it?

- How well does the poetry flow?


- Does the poetry make sense, or is it just a jumble of words?

- Do you comprehend and feel what the poet was attempting to convey through the poem?

ENJOYMENT- 10 points

~ Do the readers enjoy reading the poem?

~ Was the message well portrayed through the poem, for the readers to understand?

~ Do the initial few lines or stanzas immediately pique your interest and entice you to continue reading?


~ The judge has to summarize the points in a few lines, about what the author should work on, in editing/writing, a short review and their opinion.

~ Wish the author good luck.

~ Feedback, views, what and how they can improve will be provided by the community's side, by combining the Judge's opinion and their opinion.


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