Chapter 1: My World Stops

Start from the beginning

"There you go, Avery Grace. Maybe you'll be able to fly out of here." To that, they laughed at their sick joke and closed and locked the door to my cell, all four walls of which were made of five-inch-thick bulletproof glass.

They left me there for several hours until the worst pain I had ever experienced tore through my back and spine. And that was saying a lot, considering I had just spent God-only-knew how long being tortured close to death only to be resuscitated with electric paddles...

This- this was so much worse. By the time I came to, and managed to see through the pain at my reflection in the glass box, I nearly had a heart attack. My white hair was matted with sweat, dirt, and blood. The floor was even more blood.

But despite all of that, two pearly white wings sprouted from between my shoulder blades behind me. The white feathers were spotted with red and brown.

I managed to pull myself to my feet, my heart beating fast as I looked at my back and the wings there. I was partially naked, my shirt and bra practically torn to shreds. They had turned me into a monster- even more of a freak than I already was.

Then, gunshots rang through The Compound, and I looked through the glass, stumbling backwards as I watched men in black tactical suits with rifles suited up with lasers flood the compound. They fired at a few doctors, and with sprays of red, they collapsed.

I couldn't help but feel jealous I wasn't the one to pull the triggers.

Standing at their head was a woman with a brown ponytail and leather jacket. She stared at me for a long time, speaking to some people next to her, then motioned for two people to get my cage open.

I recoiled, shaking all over and expecting a beating, as I waited for the door to be opened, lifting my arms up over my head as my new wings curled in tightly around my body. And when that door finally opened, I flinched, but froze when I felt a gentle hand touch my elbow and I looked up and into the green-blue eyes of a woman with red curls.

"Hey," she said, her voice holding a gentle stillness. "C'mon. Let's get you somewhere safe, ok? Then get you cleaned up, some food and water, and try to get you home, ok?"

I didn't know who they were, or what to believe. Was this some new psychological torture they had come up with? Probably, but decided to trust for once in my life.

I took her hand that day and let her take me to their base, explaining they were an organization called S.H.I.E.L.D. A blanket was given to me to wrap around myself and I was shielded from the sun as I was led up and into the back of a truck.

A man with blonde hair got in with the woman with red hair, and I was confused because he actually had a bow and quiver of arrows on his back. My life was weird enough at this point, so the bow and arrows were the least of my worries. He looked from me to the woman with a furrowed eyebrow, then she nodded towards me and then sat down across from me. The doors closed and I stiffened.

I blinked rapidly as I tried to focus in on where I was now. A truck, four walls, no windows, two strangers, people with guns driving. People with guns. Was I moving to a new facility? Were my fears about this being fake coming true? It was working- I was terrified. I didn't want to go anywhere these people were taking me. I'd-

"Hey, it'll be ok. You are safe. You're not going anywhere that you'll get hurt," the woman with red hair said gently. I looked at her blankly.

"Trust me, the only thing you might find negative is Stark's attitude in the mornings when he hasn't slept," the man said with a smirk and a snort.

I furrowed my eyebrows, then swallowed hard before asking, "Where are we going? Who are you? And Stark? As in... Tony Stark?" I hadn't used my voice to speak in so long that it came out hoarse and I had to cough to clear my throat several times. My vocal cords felt raw.

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