Chapter 6: White Marimo!

Start from the beginning

When the two came to the Sunny's bathroom, the huge tub, the tall windows on all sides, etc. excited the chibi cook so much that he let loose and began to run from one side of the bathroom to the other exploring, talking enthusiastically and laughing his innocent laugh. He was behaving like a child his age should. This brought a smile to Zoro's face as well. He could finally let go of that uneasy feeling.

Little Sanji talked excitedly to Zoro as Zoro undressed him and put him into the bath tub. A thought crossed Zoro's mind at this point, 'If the love cook found me undressing him he would have definitely made fillet out of me!'

Zoro was about to smile at his own thought when an image came to his mind. 'A blushing Sanji crouching on the ground while embracing his legs with both hands. Eyes averted, wearing only Zoro's red jacket. Then a hand starts to slowly unzip the jacket as another one snakes beneath the hem of the jacket slowly pushing the jacket upwards exposing the cook's pale thighs.'

Zoro gulped as he felt something slightly rise up. He banged his head on the bathroom wall to prevent himself from thinking any further!

A worried Sanji asked, 'Marimo what happened?'

Zoro replied with his back to the child, guilty tears running down his face, 'Nothing happened. I was just killing a fly!'

Sanji: (awestruck) 'You are killing a fly with your head? So cool!'

Zoro: (still crying soundlessly) 'I am so cool right!' (his back still to the child)

Sanji: (happily) 'Yeah!!'

Zoro thought it best not to undress in front of the chibi cook at present. He started to lather up the boy's dirty hands and legs and proceeded to scrub his back. When he was confident about his own physical state, Zoro got naked and stepped into the large tub with the boy.

Sanji looked at Zoro with wonder filled eyes as he got in.

Zoro: 'What are you staring at?'

Sanji: (awestruck) 'Marimo's weenie is sooooo bigggg!'

Zoro too astonished and embarrassed to reply starts blushing and sweating with his mouth agape.

Sanji: (hopefully) 'Marimo will my weenie grow bigger than yours when I grow older?'

Zoro: (immediately recovering) 'Huh! As if! I am bigger than you in everything and will remain bigger no matter how old you grow!' (competitive about the weirdest things!)

Sanji: (understanding tone) 'Oh ....okay!' (more mature than a certain someone)

Zoro started to apply shampoo to the boy's head. Little Sanji was a very docile complaisant boy. Like a cat asking to be petted he easily laid his head on Zoro's palm as the later frothed up the shampoo on the chibi cook's head. Some bubbles escaped and the excited child tried to catch them in air. He caught some, missed more and one bubble burst as it touched his nose. Sanji looked at his nose and said excitedly, 'Look marimo! Look! It burst on my nose!' as he burst out laughing. Zoro smiled watching Sanji's reaction.

Zoro suddenly had a childish idea. He took a dollop of shampoo and lathered it on top of the child's head to make a big ball of bubbles on Sanji's head.

Zoro: (satisfied with his handiwork) 'There now you have a marimo as well!'

Sanji looked at his reflection in the big mirror and smiled happily, 'Yeah now I am a white marimo!'

Sanji: (looks at Zoro with a devilish smile) 'I'll make a white marimo on your head too!'

The boy jumped into Zoro's lap and tousled the swordsman's hair with his soapy small hands. Both of them burst out laughing. Zoro held the boy's side with one hand as he kept him steady with another hand on the child's back to prevent him from falling.

The chibi cook was still laughing with his eyes shut as he kept playing with Zoro's hair. Zoro felt a warm giddy feeling rising in his chest as he looked at the child in his arms. A wide grin spread on the swordsman's face.

At that point without a warning Zoro saw the child get covered in an envelope of light and the very next moment Zoro felt the pressure on his legs increase and the small hands he felt in his hair grew to reach the back of his head. As the veil of light lifted Zoro saw that instead of the child it was the older Sanji that he was holding in his arms. Sanji was still laughing at Zoro with his eyes closed, hands in Zoro's hair. The cook finally stopped laughing to catch his breath. Slowly he opened his eyes to look into the face of his bewildered nakama.

Sanji: (anxiously) 'What's the matter marimo?'

He asked as he slid his right hand out of Zoro's hair and brought it down to his cheek. Zoro however didn't have to reply. Understanding dawned upon Sanji as he saw his own hand and heard his own voice.

For a moment Sanji froze stiff. The next his face became red and he tried to get up as fast as he could. As a result he slipped and fell forward. Instinctively Sanji closed his eyes and held on to the first thing he could reach in order to prevent himself from falling. The cook opened his eyes to see that he had pulled the swordsman's head into his chest and held it there with one hand at the back of Zoro's head and another hand tightly embracing Zoro's shoulder.

Zoro was still in shock but he too had impulsively embraced the cook in a tight hug when he saw the later falling. Zoro's nose was poking into Sanji's sternum. The two remained locked in each other's embrace in this manner for a few moments before Sanji came to his senses. He pushed Zoro away and jumped out of the tub. He was about to run away but the soap film under his feet made him slip on the bathroom floor. Sanji closed his eyes in anticipation as he thought that he would surely fall on the side of the bathtub hurting the back of his head. Instead Sanji had a soft landing on Zoro's chiseled chest.

Zoro had caught Sanji at the very last moment. Both of them were breathing heavily by now. Zoro had his one arm around Sanji's stomach and the other around his chest. Panting Sanji looked up into Zoro's eyes. Zoro's hand slipped on the cook's wet body and his nail scratched Sanji's nipple.


A moan escaped Sanji's lips. Zoro felt as if a knot had formed in his throat.

Sanji couldn't bear this anymore. He pulled himself out of Zoro's embrace and dashed for the door without looking back. As soon as he reached the door knob he flung himself out of the room, closed the door shut behind him and crashed to the floor in a heap.

Sanji was crouching on the floor, breathing heavily when he heard footsteps on the stairs leading to the bathroom.

Nami was bringing a change of clothes for Sanji to wear as Zoro had forgotten to get them from Chopper.

Nami: (surprised) 'Sanji kun!'

Sanji: (whispering) 'Na ...Nami san!'

Inside the bathroom Zoro had gotten out of the tub and was quickly wrapping a towel around his waist. At this moment Zoro heard Nami's shriek.

Zoro: (angrily) 'Damn it!'

Outside Sanji had once more turned back into a child on looking at Nami and was lying unconscious on the floor.

Zoro: (comes out of the bathroom, looks at the boy) 'That's mine!'

Having said this to Nami, Zoro lifted the boy and went back into the bathroom carrying the unconscious child on his shoulder.

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