♥< "Oh, okay" (Pico x BF) >♥

Start from the beginning

"...If I tell you, do you promise to not tell anyone?"

"Yes, I promise." Pico sighed and took BF's hands into his.

"I...I think I'm gay... I'm sorry, I know it's probably weird and gross to you but"

"Hey, hey, calm down, Pico. I don't think you're weird or gross."

"...You don't?"

"No, of course not! Like I said, you're my best friend and I'm not going anywhere. Besides, you can't help who you love."

Pico suddenly hugged BF, sobbing loudly.

"Aw Pico! It's okay." BF rubbed circles into Pico's back and continued softly speaking words of affirmation. It took a while for Pico to calm down. Not that BF minded.

"So um, Pico? Can I ask you something?" Pico shrugged and sighed.

"I guess you might as well."

"When did you realize that you might be gay anyways?"

"Hah...P-probably when I met you..."


"Yeah... you were the only person that would even give me the time of day. A-and you've always been so funny and smart. You made me feel so happy...hell, you still do." Pico fiddled with his hands. "That's why I was so scared to tell you. I don't need to kiss you or any other couple shit, but I can't lose you, man."

"Pico...I'm speechless." BF stared at Pico's tear-stained face.

"I don't blame you. Look, I'm sorry for putting all of this on you at once, I totally understand if you feel awkward or you need space or"

"Can I try something?"


BF cleared his throat. "Can I try something?"


BF moved his hands to Pico's face, holding his cheeks for a moment. He absent-mindedly rubbed Pico's cheeks with his thumbs and shifted his eyes, debating if he should....ah, fuck it.

BF pulled Pico towards him and tilted his head, connecting his lips to Picos.

Oh my god. The feeling was fucking electric. Pico wasted no time in kissing BF back, wrapping his arms around the blue-haired boy's waist. Eventually, he pulled away but kept his eyes locked on BF's.

"Okay...maybe I do need to kiss you..." Pico finally admitted.

"...Me too."


Pico heard that BF would be at the train station today. He knew it had been a few years since they'd even seen each other but they could totally still hit it off, right? Pico hadn't forgotten his promise to BF:

"Do you promise to wait for me until we're able to live together?" BF asked.

"Only if you promise to love me forever."

BF snorted.

"What's with the rhyming, you dork?"

"Yes or no?"

"Okayyy, I promise, Pico. I love you so much. We'll both be done with college before we know it."

"I love you too."

He felt obligated to at least try. Pico scrolled through his phone, trying to calm his nerves. What would he even say when he saw BF? Obviously, he should start with hello. And ask about his life. And when would he bring up their promise?

...Oh, God. Does BF even remember the promise? What if he...?

Pico shook his head and went back to his phone. There was no need to scare himself. Of course BF remembers their promise. He's always stuck to his word. He should just focus on his phone and wait for BF to show up. And so he w—


...Speak of the devil.

"Oh my God, I haven't seen you in ages!" BF's voice was chirpy, as it had always been.

Pico whipped around, his heart fluttering. He couldn't help but smile at BF.

"H-hey dude!"

Bro. What's with the stutter?

"What are you doing here anyway?"

Pico cleared his throat.

"Heard you were holding rap battles. Figured it would be a good chance to catch up."

Be cool, Pico. Just be cool man.

"Oh, totally!"

The two caught up on life. Turns out that BF had made quite the name for himself in the world of rap, and Pico had become a gun safety instructor. Pico was surprised he didn't learn of BF's career sooner. After all, his "totally epic rap battle" with the former rockstar Daddy Dearest, as BF put it, was his claim to fame. Maybe it was because he didn't listen to much rock after Cassandra practically made heavy metal taboo.

"We should probably start our rap battle now," BF suggested, leading Pico to the speakers he had set up.

"Sounds good to me."

"Oh! I almost forgot to mention! This is my girlfriend!" BF pointed to the tall brunette sitting on the speakers. Pico tried not to let his face fall.


FNF OneShots (Mostly Pico x BF)Where stories live. Discover now