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Ever since April Griggs was young, she thought that it was quite foolish to laugh. What makes the world so funny? She didn't understand the point of smiling. Why should she give people false happiness if all she was feeling was hatred towards the things she was meant to be grateful for.
She knew that love would was meant to bring her joy, but it would also bring her pain and sadness. She saw that with her parents and her puppy, Cooper.
It was necessary to never let anyone into her dark and lonely world. No friends, boys or even teachers.
In her opinion no one deserved her smiles except those she actually loved. But the ones she ever did love had deceased.
"April, you never smile. You should, you might have a beautiful smile but you'd never know if you don't." She heard everyday from different people. Why didn't they understand that she didn't want to. It was irrelevant and unimportant.
"Emotions show weakness. Conceal! Don't feel!" that was April's motto.
You know, like Elsa in Frozen (no she didn't watch the movie).
She was her own person, right? Why couldn't she do what she wanted without getting judged for it?

April doesn't give a crap about laughter. Her advice: Maybe you shouldn't either.

Gabriel Middleton is a different story. Getting girls is his profession trust that he's pretty good at it. With his constant heartbreaking streak, life didn't seem too bland nor painful in his eyes.

His priorities were the opposite of April's, and anyone could see they were the least bit alike. Money was something his life revolved around and trust that he took advantage of it. Wouldn't anyone?

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