She recognised that look better than anyone, because it was a look that she had many times before. She could sense that they were similar.

She had seen him in the match, his hunger, drive, but she also saw the toxicity of how badly he wanted it. Not many people had it on that level.

But she had it too.

The olive eyed girl could see the angry look on his face but decided to approach him anyway. That angry gaze soon turned to look down on her shorter frame.

He recognised her as Ushiwaka's sister and it only made him feel more irritated.

"Get out of my way." He all but spat at her, but she didn't move. He almost shoved her just because she reminded him so much of Wakatoshi.

But he didn't.

She extended her arm to the boy, offering him a loaf of milk bread she had brought for later.

Oikawa's intensity softened, his shoulders relaxing ever so slightly. He hesitantly accepted the bread and sighed sliding down against the wall. He ripped into the packet and angrily chewed on a small piece.

She collapsed next to him, neither saying a word, just silently sharing the bread she had bought.

"Why are you here?" He asked, a bit of bite in his tone.

"Well, we actually just played and-"

"No, I mean why are you here talking to me? You realise we're enemies, right?" He said harshly and she laughed lightly.

"Well, I don't see it that way. I think you need someone to talk to."

"Tch. Is that so?" He snickered sarcastically and the girl nodded.

"I think we're similar." She explained and a harsh laugh left his lips in disbelief.

"How could we possibly be similar?" He let his head drop into his hands, as he fought the tears that wanted to fall, the loss playing over and over in his mind.

She sighed taking a deep breath.

"Right now, I bet you're feeling like you will never be good enough because you gave everything your all and it wasn't enough."

Oikawa's eyes snapped to her. But her eyes were on his braced knee.

"You crave the win so badly that you can taste it. You'll do anything for it without any disregard for anything else. Its toxic, but you don't see it that way. All you see is your love for the game, the drive to win."

Oikawa was taken aback by her words. "How could you possibly know that?"

"Because like I said." She started as she looked at him with a smile. "Were similar."

Oikawa's heart skipped a beat right there and then. He knew her brother, and she didn't appear to be anything like him. She had this warmth to her, even though what she was saying wasn't all sunshine and rainbows.

How could they possibly be the same when she had this light surrounding her? This light that he didn't have?

"I too am in nii-chan's shadow, so I know how it feels. Maybe not in the exact same way, but I do. I've been compared to him my whole life. I look up to him, but I don't really feel like my own person. People look at me and think 'you'll never be as good as your brother.' But I won't stop fighting." A look of determination lit up her face that it was hard not to feel motivated.

"Remember Oikawa-kun, you've got another year to turn things around." She said and he chuckled lightly at her words, finally warming to her.

"And you've got two." He said sincerely.

"Can you promise me something?" She asked which earned her a curious look.


"That you'll never stop fighting to be the best no matter what, even after high school?"

A genuine smile graced his face and she felt honoured to have been the one to bring it out.

"I promise if you promise." He extended his pinky finger and she giggled taking it with her own.

Oikawa had never met someone who related to him so much and he enjoyed talking to her. Even if she was Ushiwaka's sister.

"I promise."

- End of Flashback -

To think, Oikawa had hated her at first, simply because of who she was, but after talking with her he realised Suzume was an amazing person that he had come to treasure.

And he fell in love with her.

"No matter how pissed I would feel for losing a game, I would never do what you did to her. She's in love with you, don't you love her too?"

"Of course I do-"

"Then how could you do that to her?"

Things fell silent. A few people surrounding them had turned to eavesdrop on the conversation, not that the two had noticed.

"I- I fucked up okay!? What am I supposed to do?!" Atsumu yelled frantically as he ran a hand through his now dishevelled hair, his drunken state still affecting him. He realised just how royally he had fucked up and he wanted to make things right.

"You're supposed to leave her alone, for now. Give her time or else you're only going to drag her down." Was the last thing Oikawa said before he walked away leaving the blondes thoughts in an utter mess.

'There's no way I can leave her, I love her'.

Oikawa felt his heart breaking for the girl, after all, he was in love with her. He had planned to tell her how he felt some time ago, but before he could she was already leaving for Hyogo, and shortly after, she had found someone else.

Part of the reason he never told her was because she was the first girl he could talk to about anything, the only girl he felt was really listening to him and he didn't want to jeopardize it. He had plenty of fangirls who he liked talking to from time to time, but it was never enough, he still always felt lonely. But he never had a girl like her, that was interested in him for him, not just for his looks.

He wanted her to be his, but he knew she couldn't be, not right now anyway.


The next day, the Inarizaki teams boarded the bus that would take them back to Hyogo. Osamu and Suzuya sat together while Suzume sat with Suna, exhausted. She leant her head on his shoulder, and he in turn let his head lean on hers for comfort. And because let's face it Suna loves to sleep.

After Osamu had taken her home last night, he had explained to Suna and Suzuya what had happened and to just let her sleep it off. Both were pissed by the way he had acted and Suna regretted not going to the party to be there to protect her.

The whole bus ride back she slept from exhaustion and disappointment. Disappointment for losing their game, disappointment from Atsumu, and disappointment in herself. She was the captain of the girl's volleyball team and she wasn't able to lead them to victory.

Atsumu felt like absolute crap. He had sat in a single seater near the back, occasionally talking to Kita and Aran but all he could do was stare at Suzume.

'I need to talk to her...' He thought.

"You'll only bring her down." Oikawa's words rung in his ears.

'How can I fix this?'


Hey All!

This is the end of part I!

If you do enjoy the story, please let me know! I'd love to know your thoughts!

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Little Bird (Miya Atsumu x OC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora