chapter 8

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The full moon had coincided with Christmas Eve, which was a rare occurrence. When she was forced to turn by the moon she had the choice to either wait it out while running freely through the forest or be locked in the basement for several long hours. She'd made her escape before her parents could decide for her. And somehow she'd ended up on the edge of Toni's backyard.

Christmas Day had been as unbearably awkward and suffocating as last year, if not more. At least last year her parents had still had hope that there was a chance that her situation was reversible, though her father was still in denial about its permanence. Before all this, Christmas with her family used to be fun, it used to be the time of year she looked forward to most.

The time she had spent with Toni during winter break had been godsend, especially during Christmas Eve when she'd basically run out of her house after her father had tried to give her some kind of sermon that went against her whole nature. She was glad she had been able to improve Toni's Christmas. Though, she'd be lying if she hadn't enjoyed it, too. More than she would have if she'd been able to spend it at home. She actually really enjoyed experiencing Toni's affectionate side, which she did not want to analyze. It was probably a wolf thing to like being petted and stuff.

Her parents hadn't cared too much about her excursions in the woods, aside from during Christmas Eve, which really hadn't been in her power since it had occurred simultaneously with the full moon. Well, it had mostly been her father that hadn't been happy about it, her mom had just stood by, being the perfect obedient housewife he expected her to be.

Dave had tried to get her to fight the turn, so they could spend Christmas Eve as a family, as per God's wish, even though he knew that she wasn't able to stop her body from shifting during the moon, no matter how hard she tried. He had been so mad at her for something she couldn't control. He had shouted things at her, like that she 'wouldn't even try' and 'after all he had done for her', while she was experiencing the first waves of the fever that came with trying to hold off the full moon, even if she only tried to delay it for a few minutes. She had run out soon after, so she didn't have to shift in front of her family, but most importantly, in front of her father. He made it no secret that he absolutely hated what she was. Though, Shelby was certain that wasn't the only thing he hated about her.

As for the rest of winter break, as long as she showed up for Mass on Sunday, they hadn't cared too much that she went out in the woods so often. They still bought the excuse that she had too much energy that she just needed to get rid of somehow. Though, sometimes she lied to them, said she was going out on a date with Andrew, just to make sure her father wouldn't start questioning the lack of time she spent with her 'beloved boyfriend'. Andrew, whom she had ignored during pretty much all of winter break. It hadn't really been her intention. He just hadn't come to mind, since she'd spent most of her time with Toni.

It had seemed a little too easy, the way her parents had just conceded to her being home so scarcely during break. It had made her think. Before her 'transition' her parents would have demanded her to be home more often, or at least her dad would have. He used to be so strict around her, controlling every aspect of her life. But now it was as if he preferred if she was out of the house. So she wasn't there to remind him of all that was wrong with her, of the stain she brought upon his aspired perfect family. Out of sight, out of mind. And besides, Dave himself had been away from home a lot, even more during winter break. Shelby just hoped it wasn't still for the reason she feared it was.

It had been almost a month and a half since she'd first shown up to meet Toni. Because of meeting up with the brunette so often, she'd had to shift almost everyday. Her body had quickly adjusted to the change of habit. She'd started to notice that the more she turned, the easier the shift became. It used to take a good fifteen minutes, but now she'd somehow reduced that number to just under two. It probably also had something to do with the fact that she'd become less uncomfortable with the whole thing. It was almost effortless now, to let out that heat that she usually kept locked in her chest, hidden from the outside world. It felt almost...normal. It didn't really feel like something she needed to get rid of anymore. Which scared her.

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