"i mean i've grown a couple of inches since then, and put on a bit more muscle and have a lovely glowing tan, but you," oikawa said looking at him not saying anything.

iwaizumi rolled his eyes setting the photo down and sitting on the edge of the bed.

"funny," iwaizumi said with a smile, looking at oikawa.

his eyes narrowed and he grabbed oikawa's jaw, oikawa froze at the contact, looking at iwaizumi with wide eyes in confusion. he prayed that his pink cheeks didn't give any how nervous he was and how fast his heart was beating. it was beating so loud he could of sworn iwaizumi could of heard it.

"since when did you start getting stubble," he said looking at the faint shadow on his lower face.

"well i am a man, unlike you and your baby face," oikawa jeered back, trying to make his voice sound confident when he could feel it shaking.

iwaizumi didn't pull back though as he laughed, his fingers still digging gently into oikawa's jaw line. his fingers moved across his jaw line slightly, oikawa leaned into the feeling of his calloused finger pads against his face. all he could do was stare, lost for words as iwaizumi held his face. the boy just examined his face, licking his lips ever so slightly and oikawa felt his stomach flip inside, he need to look away soon or he didn't know what he was going to do.

but before oikawa could even worry about that, iwaizumi quickly removed his hand and oikawa looked away quickly. trying to hide his flushes cheeks, moving himself backwards on the bed.

iwaizumi cleared his throat awkwardly, seeing how tense oikawa had got and shuffled a little further back to the head board. the two of them now sat awkwardly on the bed trying not to make eye contact.

oikawa didn't even no what to think when iwaizumi did that, he obviously was just messing around but the feeling he got when his fingers touched his face is a feeling oikawa craved. it was so warm and comforting, making his heart beat three times its normal pace.

"do you— erm want to watch something?" oikawa asked trying to kill the awkwardness.

"yeah, sure," iwaizumi replied quickly coming up to sit next to oikawa as he grabbed the laptop on the floor next to his bed.

opening up the home screen and going to netflix to find a movie for them both to watch. oikawa shuffled back to get comfortable and accidentally rested his hand on iwaizumi's, oikawa quickly removed his hand and looked to iwaizumi with wide eyes.

"sorry," oikawa said quickly.

"what you apologising for? what's got you acting so skittish?" iwaizumi asked him confused.

oikawa cursed himself for suddenly getting so nervous around being him being this close, but oikawa couldn't remember the last time he and iwaizumi had been this close as friends. it was weird now after so many years knowing he felt this way for him to be doing the things they used to do in high school.

"me? i'm not, god iwa," oikawa said rolling his eyes, typing aggressively on the laptop to get a movie for them to watch and pressing play.

oikawa shuffled a little away from him so he wasn't touching his side because just the feeling of him next to him was sending his heart and mind into overdrive. he couldn't cope. but it didn't last long.

"oikawa, why are you sat so far? what's wrong with you?" iwaizumi asked him confused.

"nothing! i'm just getting myself comfortable," he lied, shuffling back and beside iwaizumi.

iwaizumi shuffled closer so their knees were touching, oikawa looking at their bodies touching on the bed as his heart was pounding in his chest. oh god, this was terrible. and it was. oikawa couldn't even watch the film, he couldn't even relax against iwaizumi.

the feeling of his side pressed against his own was the only thing oikawa could think about, the way iwaizumi would ever so casually lean into him without realising how oikawa was screaming on the inside.

somewhere along the movie the two had ended up even closer together, and oikawa daren't move an inch, worried what he might touch. he could feel iwaizumi's pulse on his wrist beside him, and how it was equally as fast as oikawa's was.

was iwaizumi just as nervouse as he was?

he couldn't even tell anyone what was happening in the movie so far, everything had been erased with the image of iwaizumi, and the feeling of him rested at his side.

but when the ending credits started roll oikawa jumped a little confused as to when the film even finished, not paying attention.

iwaizumi jumped up as well at oikawa's motion, the two both exchanging looks when oikawa shuffled away shutting his laptop and putting it away. iwaizumi got off the bed quickly and straightened himself out, oikawa turned to look at him.

"well, i'm going to get going, it's pretty late," iwaizumi said randomly.

oikawa frowned. "you don't want to stay for dinner? you usually jump at the chance to have my mums cooking,"

"yeah erm," iwaizumi broke off. "i just promised my mum i'd be back for dinner," he explained rubbing the back of his neck.

"oh, i'll see you out then," oikawa nodded getting up to let him out, almost relieved.

iwaizumi walked down the stairs and oikawa followed behind, watching as he put on his shoes and grabbed his coat from the coat hook by the door. iwaizumi stood up and looked to oikawa with a small smile, ruffling his hand through his hair.

"tell your mum thanks for letting me swing bye, i'll see you later tooru," iwaizumi said.

"tooru? you hardly ever use my first name hajime," he teased.

"shut up crappykawa, i'll see you later," iwaizumi said walking through the door.

"sure, see you iwa," oikawa said smiling as he left.

watching as he walked down the drive, iwaizumi turned his head seeing oikawa stood against the door frame with his hand giving him a small wave. his friend smiled waving back as he walked away, oikawa sighing to himself as the back of iwaizumi's head travelled further and further away.

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