1- Panic Attacks

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"Damnit I'm gonna be late!" Shinsou shouts as he runs around his house trying to get ready for his day. "Hey calm down and go change I'll grab everything else" Bakugou says stopping Shinsou. Shinsou nods then walks to his room and changes. Once we came out Bakugou had everything ready that he needed to use to teach today. "Thanks Kat I'm glad your here to help today" Shinsou sighs. "Its alright now lets get you to work" Bakugou smiles as they walk out to the car.

Once they get to the school they run to Shinsou's classroom. "Stay out here and I'll call you in when I'm ready" Shinsou smiles. Bakugou nods then kisses Shinsou on the cheek. "Wow-" Shinsou whispers before walking into his classroom.

"Alright students sorry I'm late I slept in a bit longer than I intended to" Shinsou says putting his bags on his desk. "Yes?" Shinsou asks when he sees one of his students raised hands. "Why are there marks on your neck?" They asked. Shinsou paused before tearing up. "MR. H!" The kids scream. "TOSHI WHATS WRONG!" Bakugou screams running into the classroom and picking up Shinsou. "Hey look at me" Bakugou whispers when he sits Shinsou on top of his desk. Shinsou looks at Bakugou then tightly hugs him. "Go to the teachers lounge and take a nap" Bakugou whispers in Shinsou's ear. "What about the c-class" Shinsou replies. "I'll teach the class" He says then kisses Shinsou's cheek. Shinsou nods then walks out of the classroom.

"Alright class the names Katsuki Bakugou I'm your teacher for the day" Bakugou says. "Aren't you number 1 pro hero?" One of the kids asks. Bakugou nods and smiles. "Kat" Shinsou says walking back into the classroom. "Whats wrong Shin?" Bakugou asks wrapping his arms around Shinsou. "I didn't wanna be in there alone" Shinsou groans. "Alright well why don't you go lay over there and take my hoodie to lay on" Bakugou says while taking off his hoodie. Shinsou again nods then grabs Bakugou's hoodie and goes to lay down. "Alright so what are you brats being taught?" Bakugou questions. "To be good hero's!" One of the students replies. "I- ok..." Bakugou pauses.

"Have you learned nothing from me teaching you" Aizawa says walking into the room. "I made it to number 1 hero with your teaching"  Bakugou replies. "Get your ass over here" Aizawa says with open arms. Bakugou runs over and hugs Aizawa. "I missed you dad" Bakugou tears up. "I missed you to kid" Aizawa smiles. "I haven't seen you since highschool I meant to come see you but I got stuck with old hag and she wouldn't let me leave" Bakugou sobbed into Aizawa's shoulder. "Did she hurt you?!" Aizawa questions. Bakugou nods then pulls up his sleeves to reveal tons of cuts and bruises. "Katsuki why didn't you call for help?" Aizawa whispers. "I-I t-tried she t-took my p-phone" The Ash Blonde hero stutter starting to have a panic attack. "Hey just breath. SHINSOU WAKE UP!" Aizawa panics. "Yes?!" Shinsou shouts jumping awake. "Watch the class I gotta take Bakugou out of here!" Aizawa says picking up Bakugou and carrying him out of the classroom.

"Hey look at me" Aizawa whispers setting Bakugou down. "D-dad I c-can't b-breath!" Bakugou cries. "Katsuki listen to my breathing and breath with me ok" Aizawa says pulling Bakugou's head to his chest. "Foucas on my breathing and match it with yours" Aizawa whispers and rubs Bakugou's back.

A few minutes later Bakugou finally calms down and ended up falling asleep in Aizawa's arms. "Shin how's it going in here?" Aizawa asks carrying Bakugou into the silent classroom. "Hey Aizawa we're reading about you right now actually" Shinsou laughs. "Wow I didn't do much as hero" Aizawa admits. "Yea you did!" One of the students shouts. "Shhhhhhhh!" Aizawa snaps. "Sorry!" The student whispers.

"DAD!" Bakugou screams in his sleep. "Hey Kat I'm right here calm down" Aizawa whispers. "Shinsou take my phone and call Mic" Aizawa demands. "Got it" Shinsou says walking out of the classroom with Aizawa's phone.


"Hey Present Mic it's Shinsou"

"Yes from UA"

"Yes well Aizawa wanted me to tell you that you are needed at UA"

"Alright well he needs you here as fast as you can"

"Got it"

"Alright I'll tell him"



Shinsou runs back into the classroom and tells Aizawa what Mic said.

Once Mic got there he took Bakugou out of the classroom.

Words- 760

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