A Bonten Member (Part 2)

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Bonten arc, 2017
At Sasha's home, 10 A.M

Mikey slept in Sasha's bed. The alarm rings. He wake up.
Tamago is here too.

Mikey : what time is it ?

He look at the alarm, it's 10 A.M.
After a time of reflection he left the bedroom and go to the kitchen. Sasha wasn't here.

Mikey : where ?

Sasha came from behind. He was in the art room. He is smoking.

Sasha : oh, you're finally awake.

Mikey : hmm.

Sasha give to him a cup of tea.

Sasha : drink ! You are not supposed to be here... Sanzu and others are waiting for you outside.

A car is parked in front of his house.
Mikey look at his arms, there were bandages.

Sasha : oh and I nursed your arms when you were sleeping. I don't know what Sanzu did to you, and I'm not your mom to tell you that... But you stop to take drugs. It's bad for you.

Mikey : I know. But I can't.

Mikey drink the tea quickly. And go out.

Sasha : anyway if you have any problems, don't hesitate to talk to me about !

Mikey : hmm...

Mikey enter into the car. Kakucho is the one driving, Koko is next to him and Sanzu behind them. (Sanzu is next to Mikey)
Sasha closes the door.

Sanzu is a bit angry, he's jealous of the relationship between Sasha and Mikey.

Sanzu : Why is Sasha to important? I mean, I can be a therapist too!

Kakucho : it's because they are childhood friends.

Sanzu : that's all?? But she's not a part of Bonten at all. So why Mikey want to see her?

Kakucho : Yes she is! She is a member of Bonten too! Even if you don't accept that, she is a part of us.

Sanzu is chocked.

Sanzu : wtf ????

Koko try to don't laugh.

Mikey : and why is that a problem? Sasha can be includ as a Bonten member, but he doesn't want. He is an artist, and probably the last friend I have.

Kakucho : listen! Sanzu. Being a Bonten member is not easy. What people gonna think if they know that Sasha is in Bonten? She has a reputation, as an artist she can't say and show that she's with Bonten.

Sanzu : and??? I don't fucking care you moron. If she doesn't have the Tattoo I'm ok.

Koko : but of course she has! What do you think? She's a Bonten member, don't forget that!

Mikey : ... his tattoo is on his lower back.

Sanzu : heh... what?!

Kakucho : they can't live without each other. Mikey has the tattoo on his neck, Sasha on his lower back, both on the spine. If the neck or the lower back is destroyed, what will happen to the spine?

Sanzu : ...

Kakucho : you will die. Or probably not, but your life will be very difficult if you can't move. They are both connected, if one of them die, the other will probably do the same thing. This is the meaning of their relationship!

Sanzu is just jealous of the meaning of their relationship.

Sanzu : I can be better than her.

Mikey finally fall asleep on the seat. He didn't hear what Sanzu said. And it's better like that.


Oh man I'm so proud of me 😩😩 it's finally done!!!!
It will be hard to draw that part heh,,, I'll probably cut it and do 3 part instead of 2 (´;ω;`)


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