Chapter 9

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Above is the Queen of Alva (her name is Alexandra)

Third person

The Phoenix castle was busy, with people bustling around in a hurry. The sounds of the soldiers training in the courtyard could be heard faintly from inside. As the world continued on, one thing remained unmoving, one person.

The silence in the room was deafening. 

Killian sat on the chair closest to the bed containing his mate, who was peacefully sleeping due to the sedative. Lisa clutched at Jace's arms that was wrapped around her and stared at the exotic beauty on the bed.

''She.. almost doesn't look human'' Lisa spoke softly, breaking the silence in the room.

There were mutters of agreement before once again, silence descended. Sighing, Lisa moved away from her mate and did a check up on Ember's injuries, carefully attending to them so not to wake her up. 

There was a growl and she froze, her hand halfway to the now bandaged wound. Turning pale, she looked up and gulped as burning eyes stared back at her.

Instantly, Jace was there, shielding her from those terrifying eyes.

''You need to calm down, no one will touch her.'' It was said as if trying to tame a feral animal.

They were interrupted when the door burst open and her majesty, Queen of Alva, walked in, behind her her trusted guards.

Jace gulped, steeling himself for the worst as he caught the murderous look on Killian's face.


I stared at the bitch who dared show herself in front of me. She didn't even spare me a glance as she glided by and reached to touch Ember's face. There was a gentle look in her eyes, that made her features soften, and she looked like the woman I had once known. The aunt I had most looked up to.

Moving with quick speed, I slapped her hand away and covered Ember's face. 

''Don' dare fucking touch her.''

Instantly, the guards were on alert and they moved in on me. Casting fire at them, not doing any damage, just to warn them off, I stayed staring at Alexandra. 

''How the fuck did she get into my home? Who the fuck let her in?'' My blood boiled and I saw red. I was going to kill whoever let this crone in.

''Calm down, dear. Let's take a seat and discuss this like civilised beings.''

I stared in astonishment. She'd just asked to sit and talk, while my injured mate lay in front of me, like we were old pals.

''Get the fuck out.'' The steel in Lisa's voice was heard. She and I harboured the same hate towards the queen Alva. Not that I complained, it was useful to have someone at your back, not that I really needed the help.

Something flashed in the Queens eyes, then it was gone, too quick for me to recognize. ''I won't leave my daughter helpless in here, not when she's finally back.''

Instantly, I knew who she was referring to, and my blood boiled. Not because my mate turned out to be Alva, the kind I hated more than anything in my entire existence, and the kind that was supposed to wiped out of existence. No, it was because this woman had the audacity to come in here, claiming her child, who she had abandoned for all those long fucking years.

''GET THE FUCK OUT.'' I roared.

Everyone seemed taken aback. The queen stared at me with shocked eyes, and sadness flashed in them.

''I would like to leave her brother here, to protect her.'' And Alexandra left the room.

I bristled hearing that. It was an insult aimed directly at me, that I couldn't protect my own mate. But then I realized what she had said, and everyone in the room froze. There were more Alva's. The Queen had a son. Ember had a brother, and he too, was an Alva. My brows furrowed as I tried to figure out how he had survived.

All of a sudden, Ember's body jerked and she coughed. Tyler reached for the trash can just in time for her to vomit into it.

My mates small body shuddered as she continued to vomit, and I looked around in a panic as I gathered her close and rubbed her back. All of a sudden she froze, ready to bolt, sensing this, Lisa flew into action, grabbing a needle, getting ready to pierce Ember with it. 

I was pushed back roughly, the chair scraping as Ember nimbly leaped off the bed and dashed towards Ty, hiding behind him. Jealousy shot through me, and I wished she could rely on me as her protector.    

Everyone instantly shot out of their seats, causing me to let out a growl and stare them down till they sat back down. I looked over at Ember and she seemed to be looking at something behind me.

I turned to look at the man standing in the closed doorway, he was the splitting image of Ember, only older and of course, a male version. He had tears in his eyes as he slowly stepped forward, which caused me to tense up, looking at Ember for a reaction, then relaxing when she dashed towards him, crashing into his arms. It was obvious that he was her brother, and I wasn't going to interfere and cause Ember any sadness.

Sorry chapters kinda short.

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