how it was so much simply back then. before he knew he loved him. it was almost unbearable for oikawa to even be around him now. it was almost as if he couldn't hear anything but the loud beating of his heart in his ears.

oikawa was relieved when he saw his house, as the car drove up to his drive and pulled to a stop. oikawa turned to face iwaizumi to thank him, but instead found him looking at oikawa with a soft blank expression.

"what do you think of sakura?" iwaizumi asked him.

oikawa froze, pausing for a moment to take in the question he was just asked, looking at him blankly.

what did he think? he hated her. he hated her hair, her face, her eyes. the way she looked at iwaizumi, the way iwaizumi acted around her, he hated the fact she had iwaizumi and he didn't. she had everything she wanted, of course he hated her.

"she's great, i like her, you did a good job finding her, don't let her go iwa," oikawa told him nodding.

despite his hated, oikawa didn't lie. because it was true.

even though he hated her, it wasn't justified. he just hated her because she had iwaizumi, the boy he loved. but if the circumstances were different, oikawa would actually like the girl, she was smart, funny, she seemed interested in getting to know iwaizumi's friends, she poked fun at iwaizumi a lot too which he liked, and she was pretty as well.

sakura was what oikawa would describe as the perfect ideal girl, laughed at all your jokes, made her own to laugh along with you. she asked questions and listened to your answers and then base her next topic of conversation on your answer. she was observant too.

iwaizumi smiled and nodded.

"thanks, thats means a lot coming from you," iwaizumi told him grateful.

oikawa just nodded, not knowing what to say to that, he had been almost lost for words all night with him. it felt like a pressure to talk to him. like he was constantly searching for the right thing to say, to make it not as obvious as oikawa thought it was.

the two sat in silence for a little longer, and oikawa suddenly remembered they were outside of his house. and iwaizumi was probably waiting for him to leave to go home. oikawa unfastened his seatbelt and made an attempt to leave, but before he could iwaizumi had stopped him with a question.

"are you going to tell me the real reason why you and that guy broke up?"

oikawa stopped reaching for the door handle, dropping his hand to his lap, turning to face his gaze and look at him confused, as iwaizumi rolled his eyes.

"only an idiot would believe the reason you split up is because you thought it was unfair to everyone else," iwaizumi quoted him, looking to him with raised eyebrows.

oikawa just sighed, he hated iwaizumi.

he knew he would see through his lie because he always did. it was obviously a lie, i mean everyoneat that party who knew him probably knew that was a lie and oikawa knew that too. but only iwaizumi would ever call him out and ask him why he would lie about it, and ask him the real reason. where as everyone else would just laugh it off.

"it was one sided, he ended it because i was in love with someone else," oikawa put bluntly.

iwaizumi didn't respond, more from the shock of hearing oikawa was in love with someone else. iwaizumi had known oikawa the majority of his life, and not once had iwaizumi ever heard oikawa admit to him that he was in love.

even with his girlfriends at high school. oikawa would never say that word, he would say he admired them, or found them attractive. iwaizumi had often thought oikawa would never find love given how picky he was, he always had some excuse as to why a girl was never good enough for him.

"who? who's actually managed to make you fall in love with them, they must be pretty amazing," iwaizumi said laughing.

oikawa looked at him smiling, god he was so oblivious.

"yeah he is, but he's not gay so, what can you do," oikawa shrugged, hoping he would catch the hint.

but also hoping he wouldn't incase in made their friendship awkward. but iwaizumi didn't seem to get it, or if he did he was a hell of a good actor.

iwaizumi nodded at that, what could he possibly respond with. even iwaizumi knew it was pointless to love someone who wasn't even gay, it was an already lost battle. oikawa sighed and opened the car door.

iwaizumi couldn't help to but overthink in his mind about this guy oikawa mentioned. who was he? how did he manage to get oikawa this hung up on him?

"thanks for the lift, see you another time," oikawa said.

"oikawa wait," iwaizumi said grabbing his arm.

oikawa stopped again, turning back to look to iwaizumi who had hold of him loosely, his eyes on his as he stared at the boy in front of him. oikawa was frozen and didn't even know what to do as he sat there in his grasp.

iwaizumi stared back, he was lost for words now, almost as though what he was about to say suddenly left his mind as they both stared back at each other not speaking.

all oikawa could do was stare, his eyes on his face, his lips parted as he breathed softly staring at his best friend. finding his eyes moving down to his lips, they were a little chapped from where he had been biting them while he drove. oikawa would have given anything to lean forward and connect his to them, but he stopped himself, looking back to his eyes seeing iwaizumi staring at him.

he couldn't read his stare, which was bizarre as oikawa could usually tell what iwaizumi was thinking, he left his emotions on his face like an open book. except for this moment now, when oikawa couldn't tell what he was thinking, or even doing in that moment.

iwaizumi cleared his throat awkwardly and let go of his arm.

"sorry, i've lost my thought now, i'll see you later," iwaizumi told him as his arm travelled to the gear stick.

oikawa looked to him still, watching iwaizumi turn away from him and glued his eyes to the road, avoiding eye contact with him. oikawa looked to his hand now on the gear stick that was just on his wrist.

oikawa just nodded getting out the car fully and shutting the door. walking to his door without a word, he heard the car engine start and iwaizumi drive off. he didn't look back yet.

oikawa stopped when he got to the front door, turning around watching the back of iwaizumi's car drive away out of his reach. like everything else seemed to be.

oikawa ran his hands through his hair annoyed and unlocked the door, stepping in the house and shutting it behind him frustrated. going upstairs straight away to sleep off this awful feeling in his chest, hoping he would wake up the next morning and his feelings for iwaizumi gone.

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