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It was a cold night, the breeze sent chills down Sanemi's spine. It
wasn't often he found himself on a walk this late, but his mind felt foggy and he desperately searched for a way to clear it. He was a 21 year old college student just barely passing the days by. He was set on being a math teacher, he found it to be the most enjoyable subject and decided he would dedicate himself to teaching, but it would be awhile until this goal would come to be. As of now he is living in a cheap apartment close to campus, not wanting a roommate.

He never enjoyed sharing space with another, although he grew up with it. He had been struggling ever since he was a child, for his abusive father had left the family when they were all young. He learned how to survive peacefully in even the worst circumstances. Although, growing up with someone such as his dad took a toll on him. He was very aggressive and violent, even if it wasn't his intentions. 

He released a long breath of air, watching it turn into a cloud of heat in the cold. His gaze wandered around the long sidewalk dimly lit by the streetlights. There was no one in sight, and he decided call this wall to an end. He slowly spun around on his heels to notice that there was a person not to far behind him. He stood in his tracks, brows furrowed in confusion as the person neared him.

"The hell are you doing? Are you fucking following me?" Sanemi asked a harsh voice, tone laced with fear. The man was unable to be clearly seen as he was underneath the shade of a tree.

The other man turned to look around him as if to be clear Sanemi was taking to him. "Oh, uh, no. Just waking." He replied, with a blank expression as he continued walking. Sanemi sent a suspicious glare, but continued walking. The other had long black hair, and wore a magenta turtleneck with a black coat overtop.

As Sanemi walked by, replaying the odd interaction in his mind, he heard a loud thunk from behind him.  He snapped his head around to find the source, but saw nothing until he dropped his gaze to the ground. In the distance was the man he just saw on the floor, plopped over on his back. He had took a turn to the side, but the icy grass had betrayed him and let him slip on the ground. He slowly got up, and turned around to notice that Sanemi had in fact, saw him fall. He quickly turned back and began waking as if nothing happened.

It took a moment for Sanemi to register what just happened, but a moment later he began to crack up in laughter. The other man who was still in earshot, heard and began to speed up his walking in hopes to run away from his embarrassment. When Sanemi calmed down from his laughter, he took a deep breath to calm himself down and began heading back to his apartment. It wasn't too far away, he could see it in the distance. Most lights were off, with the exception of a few night owls. He checked his phone which read '1:23 AM' and his eyes widened. Was it really that late already? Frustrated, he rubbed his temples. He had wanted to get a better sleep schedule going in hopes that he wouldn't be so angry when he woke up. But nothing had seemed to be working. He entered the apartment, walking up steps to reach his room.

The inside was nothing special, a simple layout of all three main rooms that connected, with a short hallway that had two doors parallel to each other, one being his bedroom and the other being his bathroom. He lazily set the keys on his counter, locking the door behind him.


As he was exiting the classroom after a long lecture, he saw someone familiar. 'It's the dude that fell!' He thought, approaching the other.

"Hey! You're the one who slipped yesterday night, right?" Sanemi asked, fighting back a grin at the thought of the other falling again. He stared off into space, as if trying to remember what happened last night. "Uhh, oh. Yeah that was me." He replied nervously scratching the back of his neck. Sanemi snorted and decided to introduce himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2021 ⏰

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