espresso and reader

608 8 52

MEGALATTECOOKIE__ you may have espresso to fuck u cus yes

"Mr espresso, im horny :smirk:"

"Bitch then fuck urself"

"I want you to fuck me now 👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿"

"R you serious"


"Fine you horny shithead"

espresso carrys you and throws you to the bed

"why'd you do that man 😢😢"

"Don't you wanna fuck 🤨🤨⁉️⁉️"


Espresso began to rip your clothes off and you started screaming at him

"why tf did you rip clothes off you fucking piece of shit I want to kill you and drown you in toilet water if you do it again you stupid ugly hot bitch don't ever do that again you ugly mf"

"shut up you can wear my clothes"

"One question, am I good at rapping xx"


"You mean, yes?"


"Ugh whatever open doja b4 we fuck"

"but you're literally naked rn"

"So what"

"fine let's open doja and fuck"


espresso took his clothes off and started to pin MEGALATTECOOKIE__ bbg and pushes his dik inside them and they screamed at him

"that hurt bitch 😐👎"


"Aaaahahhahahsjzdmnxkxkx omg am I moaning 😢😢"

"Yes u r shut up"

"You need to shut up too yk"

"Ugh whatever"

Espresso goes fast and MEGALATTECOOKIE__ screamed at him

"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa it feels so nice omgdhfhhdjskskskakamakskaikskaakkaka go fast omg æàãåāàáAAAæÆÂä AAA anaa. A a a a a a a sjajajaja. A a a a a a"


Espresso goes fast then cums

Am I pregnant"

"No that's just my milkies "

"I'm pregnant"


"If you are then that's not my child"

"Shut up you literally had sex w me"

"So what"


"I'm pregnant you must help"


Then espresso leaves

should i make a non joke fanfic Abt this without getting pregnant

cookies fuckKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat