November 16th 2021 | y/n

Start bij het begin

Clay looks at me, clearly uncomfortable answering that. Saying online sounds creepy and like we don't know each other. Saying at work leads to the occupation inquiry which I would prefer to avoid completely. "A competition." Clay clears his throat.

I lift the spoon to my mouth. I swallow down the food. I have trouble keeping in a pleasurable moan. I've never had really good food before. A natural-born mother would be the person to go to for that I suppose. The chili has the ideal ratio of meat to beans with the precise mixture of vegetables like scallions or corn rustled in there.

"Like what?" Desmond asks for elaboration. "A game tournament. We were put on the same team." Clay doesn't lie. Not even close maybe hides important truths, but not lying. The older man nods, satisfied.

"And you're both single?" Brianna questions. I blush and look down at my food. I then look at Clay who is red in the face for a very different reason. "You okay hon?" Brianna asks him.

"It was just- Chili is a little spicy." He scratches his neck. I roll my eyes and cover my scoff-like laugh with my palm. He glares over at me. This man cannot handle the slightest kick in his food. He's probably holding back seven swear words right now.

The chili has a flavor to it, even kinda kicky, but it's not all that spicy. "Sorry, Clay takes his spice about as well as he takes his alcohol." I tease. "Says the lightweight." Clay laughs. I glare in his direction with a big grin. "I'm no lightweight."

He just sighs and looks at Desmond. "You're really close, huh?" He asks us. Clay looks at me with a hard-to-hide smirk. I nod and elbow him in the side. He gasps sharply and looks down at his food.

I look across from me and at Nisha. The girl swirls her food around and I struggle to watch without questioning what my life would be like if I joined their family. As the three other adults around me laugh and joke, I stare at the young child and think of everything. Would I be over here babysitting? Would I have to pick them up from school? Would I be taking on a family I'm not ready for? Would Desmond and I blow up once and I can never speak to them again?

6:01 P.M

Clay opens up the front door. "Have a safe trip home!" Brianna laughs from the kitchen. She scrubs the dishes clean and can't take her eyes off of me. Desmond approaches the two of us. "You're always welcome." He hugs me and whispers.

The two of us then leave and I hop into the passenger seat. I'm too tired to drive home. Worn from social interaction. Clay happily takes my spot in driving, as he's not a fan of my heavy foot.

I stare out the window sorrowly. I can't help but feel the slightest impression of eyes flashing from me to the road every so often. It's Clay no doubt, but I won't say anything.

Clay takes a turn I don't recognize. I turn my head to look at him. I narrow my eyes. "What are you-" He impedes on my words. "Shhh." He shushes softly. Softer than I've ever heard from him.

I see a playground with a long grass field in the back. A jungle gym, swings, and even a small pavilion. He pulls in next to the grass, though it's no parking space. I look out the window and see the beautiful sky. That's what living in the south will do for you. The night sky is beautiful due to the lack of light pollution.

"Come on." He taps my wrist. I glance at him and open the car door. I step out and brush my dress down, it blows in the soft wind. I'm glad it's not too cold tonight.

After a few seconds, I see Clay. He waves me over to follow him. He pulls his phone and a speaker out of his hoodie pocket, lifting a large weight from them.

He lays a blanket on the grass, god knows where that came from. He puts the speaker down and plays a song on Spotify. I can easily recognize it as 'Hugging You' by Tom Rosenthal.

I walk from the grass to the blanket. I sniffle and look up at him. He moves his arms to my waist and his hands sit on the small of my back. "Was it as bad as you thought?" He asks me. I lay my head down on his chest.

The song is soft in the background of our conversation. "No.." I admit. He rubs a finger on my back. "I just don't know if I can be a sister again." I refer to my past long-term friendship.

He doesn't try to pressure me to be a sister to those girls. I move my hands up to his shoulders. We begin a small swaying motion. "Of course." He leans closer to my shoulder.

It doesn't take a genius to tell what's going on here. Hell, I, your resident emotionally immature child, can smell the tension here. We don't even have to say anything, but we should.

"Clay," I look up, eyes meeting his twinkling green ones. He smiles, but it's no giant grin. "Y/n," He mirrors. 'Love Love Love' by Of Monsters and Men plays from the speaker.

I lift to my tippy toes. My nose is right by his. Fighting the urge to close my eyes and dip my head forward.

"Want to bet what happens next?" I smirk devilishly. He says nothing and just kisses me in the slowest fashion possible. Relishing in the kiss, holding me close, all it does is bring me over the edge.

I pull back and stare up at him. "Clay, I don't know how to do this," I say. "Be in a relationship. It's my first try." I sigh. He smiles and moves one hand to my face.

"That's okay," He kisses me once more. "We'll just have to make it count then."

wanna bet? | dream x ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu