Cursed Soulmate (1)

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A world where at your 18th Birthday, you'll see a white string appear on your wrist which connects you to your Soulmate.

The string turns bright pink once you're close to your Soulmate, and gets brighter if you're getting nearer.


Past ~> 1 Week Ago
Seven watched as his sister, Enna, skip happily into their new home.

He sighed as he took her luggage, which was left outside, and brought it inside.

It was freezing outside, so everyone couldn't wait to get in. Their mother assigned their rooms for them.

Enna and Seven ended up sharing the biggest bedroom. There were only two rooms, and they didn't think their mother wanted to share a room with either of them.

The siblings unpacked some of their stuff.

"I'm going out, tell mama," Enna said childishly.

She laughed before patting her brother's head and going outside.

Seven heard the door make a 2nd click sound. He assumed that Enna had left already.

He heard his mother asking what that sound was a few seconds later.

"Enna went outside!" Seven responded.

  He went back to unpacking his things.

~> Present Time
  Seven felt someone shaking him. He was a light sleeper, so it woke him up easily.

  "Rise and shine, Sev! You're meeting my Soulmate today, remember?" Enna said.

  Seven rubbed his eyes and looked at the time. 7:00a.m.

  He put a pillow over his head.

  "Why so early?" he grumbled.

  "Come on, Sev! I want you to meet her before she goes off to work at 8! Please, for me?" Enna practically begged as if she was younger, despite being in her 20s.

  Seven sighed and shooed her off before going to the bathroom to change and wash his face.

  He went outside and Enna stroked his hair with her fingers to make it straight. His hair ended up covering his eyes, but he didn't bother fixing it.

  Enna dragged him outside and they both went to the bus stop.

  On the way there, he spotted 1 girl and 1 boy nearby. The girl was playfully putting on a paper bag on the boy. The boy looked annoyed, but played along either way.

  The boy seemed to have noticed him as he waved to Seven.

  Seven put his attention back on her sister, who had stopped. They reached the bus stop.

  Their bus arrived a few minutes later and they boarded it.

Time skip ~> A few minutes later
Seven POV
  We got of the bus and arrived at a fancy apartment.

  Someone was outside and he waved to our direction. Enna ran towards the boy and gave him a hug.

  I walked towards them.

  "Mike, meet my younger brother, Seven! Sev, meet Mike, my Soulmate's younger brother!" Enna said.

  I thought that he was her Soulmate. He looked like he was 19, though. My sister is 23. She's still jobless.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2022 ⏰

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