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july 12th 1978:

callie and ziggy then parted their ways after callie realized she had to go help cindy and tommy clean the mess hall.


callie cleans the floor on the opposite side of the room than tommy and cindy.

"i swear to god everyone just wants to ruin my life. alice just, like.. she just won't let it go." callie hears cindy say, "it's like we're still 12 years old and her whole goal in life is to... to punish me for something that wasn't even my fault" cindy says, while callie scoffs.

"i cant believe you guys used to be friends." tommy adds

"and ziggy... i mean it's only a matter of time before she ends up in jail or worse. and i'm just trying to be a good role model and make something of myself. but no, no, i'm the stuck-up priss who hates fun, which isn't even true at all. i like fun. i like fun! i just.. i just want to get out of shadyside. is that so crazy?" cindy says but then brakes the sponge she's using, "shit! shit."

"did cindy berman just swear?"

"not now, tommy! not in the mood!" cindy adds then gets up and leaves the room to go get a new sponge.

"what was that about tommy?" is what callie wanted to ask when she decides to not and just keep cleaning.


callie hears creaking when she stands up and looks over to tommy and he looks at her.

"did you hear that?" callie asks him

"yeah.." tommy says then shushes her so they can listen and figure out who it was.

"tommy, callie, what are you doing? you're really.." cindy says as she walks into the room and looks around but doesn't see them but still hears the music playing. "freaking me out.."

"you heard the creaking too right cindy?" callie trys to ask but gets cut off by the door opening. they all see nurse lane emerge from the door.

"nurse lane?" all three of them ask at the same time.

"i'm sorry. but i cant save you." callie sees nurse lane walk in with a knife in her hand. "i saw your name. i saw it on the wall. one way or another, you're gonna die tonight."

"what are you talking about?" tommy manages to get out before nurse lane runs over to tommy and pulls the knife to tommy neck, tommy then manages to throw the knife out of the nurses hand and across the floor.

callie and cindy make eye contact then look back at the scene in front of them, tommy and nurse lane slam into the table and fall to the ground. tommy then pushes her into the seat and it knocks her out.

"okay what in the fuck was that!" callie says before tommy sits up and sees that his head is bleeding.


callie walks out of the mess hall and over to where ziggy was standing, "hey cal." ziggy greets them before looking back to nurse lane getting rolled out on a stretcher.

"hey, witch. so sorry. i know you and nurse psycho were close. guess you and callie here can go visit her in jail now."

"fuck off, sheila." callie and ziggy say at the same time.

"by the way, you might want to go check your stuff. i think there was an accident in cabin five." ziggy starts to speed walk away and goes to the cabin.

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