Chapter 1

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I knew something wasn't quite right with this world when I was 10. The sky always seemed a bit to bright, fake. In history class, we never learned about creation and who made us. I've never seen anybody die before, they disappear. 

Every time I brought it up to someone though, I got labeled as crazy

Flashback 7 years ago

"I'm telling you, there is something not right with this world." I tell my parents.

My mom squats in front of me and lays a hand on my shoulder. "Honey, you need to control that imagination of yours. Of course everything is right. This is the way it's suppose to be." 

"Yeah Alyssa, you and your crazy mind these days. Isn't that why I am the favorite, Mom?" My older brother asks with a wink.

"You are all my favorite children." My mom answers, annoyed.

We were in our house at the time. A small cottage in the middle of a forest. My mom always liked seclusion. I've never understood why.

"But mom, think about it, have you ever seen someone die before?"

That was the last straw for my mom. Her faced flushed bright red, her eyes widened, and she stood up so fast that her knees popped in protest. 

"Young lady, we do not speak of this, understand me? You need to stop with your theories or you will get yourself killed. This is why people are scared of you, Alyssa. You walk around telling them that what is normal for them is not right. I will be having a talk with your therapist to see what we can do about this." With that she walked out the front door, slamming it behind her.

My brother takes one last look at me, grins, and follows after her.

End of Flashback

It's been almost 7 years since then and I've done exactly what my mom told me. I kept my mouth shut. I am still an outcast and have no friends. My brother and mom have always been a bit distanced from me, so I am all by myself.

Or so I thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2021 ⏰

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