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Location - Hwang company

A man in black suit was rushing to his CEO. "Is he there?" the man asked one of the bodyguard, the guard gave a simple nod. He entered the CEO's office. "Excuse me sir" he said in between panting. The so called 'sir' put his phone down the table and asked "What's wrong Jihoon? Why are you rushing? Any problem?" in an cold voice

"During their training, there happened an explosion accidentally and- most of them are dead!!" Jihoon said as his voice barely comes out 'cause of fear. "What the fuck!? How can you be so careless!?" the CEO, Mr. Hwang yelled at his secretary. "Sorry sir" Jihoon said, scared to look up at his boss.

"Go call Inyeop" Mr. Hwang told, being clearly annoyed. Jihoon blowed and left the office. After about 3 minutes, Mr. Hwang heard a familiar voice "You called me, dad?" . "What's all those explanation thing!? You should have been careful!! You are in charge of looking after those slaves!!" Mr. Hwang yelled at his son. Inyeop sighed and told "Dad, first of all it's not my fault. Second, I'm not in charge of these things, Hyunjin was. And, we can still bring more people.

Inyeop took his phone and called his brother Hwang Hyunjin

Location - Pub (idk what it's called. The Bar?)

Ring Ring Ring~
(Call ended)
Ring Ring Ring~
(Call ended)
Ring Ring Ring~

A man with brown hair answered the call with a groan "Hello, can you call later. He is kinda busy-" the man was cut off by a deep voice in the other line "Minho, I don't have time for any of your bullshit. And I know he is not busy, probably making out with someone. Give the phone to Hyunjin" Inyeop sort of yelled through the phone. "O-oh ok, you don't have to yell for that~" Minho sang, 'oof that was kinda scary' Minho thought with a sigh. "Hey Hyunjin, your brother is on call" Minho yelled through the crowd, hoping his best friend will hear him in that loud music in the background.

And there he is, his right hand around a girl's waist and a glass of vodka in the other hand, dancing with her. He was drunk. And he heard his best friend calling him. "Yeah I'm coming" Hyunjin yelled back. "I'm sorry baby, I need to go" Hyunjin said to the as she pout and he ignored it. He don't care if she is sad. She is just an another toy of his. He walked pass all of those girls who want to hook up with him so badly.

He went to his best friend. He took the phone from Minho. "What!?" he asked in an annoyed tone. "Hyunjin, I'm your older brother, can't you be a lil respectful? And, what took you too long to answer my call?" Inyeop nagged his brother. Hyunjin eye rolled and said "Can you stop nagging and tell me what's the matter!?"

Inyeop let out a sigh and said "See, there was an explosion in our training area and most of them are dead. You were the one who should take care of all those trainees things. I don't fucking care what you're gonna do, but I need 52 more people", with that he ended the call not even bothering to hear his brother's reply.

Location - Seoul University

A boy in white jeans and sky blue oversized t-shirt entered the university compound, capturing everyone's attention. And suddenly someone jumped on top of him which caused him to lose his balance, but he managed to stay on his feet. The guys said in a cheerful voice "Hey Lixie Pixie". Felix groan and said "I told you not to call me that, Sung. I'm not a Pixie". "But you're cute as a Pixie.", Jisung said with a cute giggle, making Felix sigh.

"Hi guys" a puppy like boy came out of nowhere. "Hi Minnie" "Hi Seungmo", they greeted back their best friend. "You are late. Usually you're the one who wakes us up, but today." Jisung chuckled and said. "Hey!! You guys could've woke me up!!" Felix said in a cute-angry face. "Hehe, sorry Lix. You were in a deep sleep and we didn't wanted to ruin that" Seungmin said.

And they walked to the first class of their new year, talking about random things.

730 words

A/N: I know this is short but it'll take too long for me to update, so this is it for the first chapter. I'm sorry if I made any mistake. Hope you like it 💗💫

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2022 ⏰

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