"Atlanteans had...safety measures when it came to who would be operating their machines."

The dressing room door opened and Darrach walked in with Arthur Jr. and Aoífe.  "Oh," Darrach said with a grin.  "Apologies for interrupting, Lord and Lady Morgan, but the kids were hoping to, uh...help with things."

Lilly snickered before looking at her husband.  Arthur smirked as he looked at her, then he eyed the kids.  "Hades, meet Darrach and our children Aoífe and Arthur Jr.  Although you kinda already met Junior."

Hades looked at the three people and blinked when he began to watch Junior with a cautious gaze.  "You're the God of War, Machines and Technology?"

"Yes," Junior said plainly.  "I hope yer not too mad about me knockin' ya off Big Boah."

"No, I'm not," Hades laughed.  "But please do not tell Zeus or Poseidon that I was defeated by a child.  They will only laugh at me."

Aoífe snorted.  "Oh, like they're ones tah talk.  We kicked their arses, too."

The children went to sit with their parents while Darrach walked to the bar.  "May I have a drink?" he asked the couple.

"You don't have to ask for permission, Darrach," Lilly giggled.  "Go ahead."

As Darrach prepared himself a drink, Hades looked at Arthur.  "So, you need allies to get your mother in law and your daughter back?" he questioned.

"And to kill Apate, Carman and Dubh," Arthur replied coolly.  "We're done havin' them mess around with our lives.  We've..." he frowned before grasping Lilly's hand.  "We've lost too much because of them."

Hades nodded as Darrach sipped on his gin, Darrach placing his rump on a bar stool.  "I understand.  Apate is a manipulative, wicked goddess."

"You know her personally?"

"I have had a few run ins with her.  She tried to steal Olena from Tartarus once or twice."

"I see."

"Do you have others in your alliance?"

Arthur nodded.  "All the Celtic religions, some of the Greek gods and goddesses, a lot of the African immortals have joined, Ra is fully behind us as is Horus, Anubis, Set and many other Egyptians, the Slavic religions, the Jade Emperor and his followers, a lot of Native American deities and many of the Hindu gods favor us.  We're also working on an alliance with Asgard."

"You've been busy," Hades chuckled.  "And that's just the Ethereal Realms.  What about human allies?"

"We have a lot of Russian werewolf packs, we're working on dealing with traitors in the Freemasons and The Order of the Eastern Star but for the most part, they're willin' to lend a hand.  We've got Vlad Dracula and his vampires as allies.  We're tryin' to get a lot of nobles in on our cause but that's been difficult."


Arthur grunted.  "They don't respect me.  I'm not a true noble by birth, only by marriage.  The Earl of Galway has been tryin' to smooth things over, but they don't like the idea of an American redneck bein' in charge of things."

Lilly squeezed Arthur's hand and she frowned at him.  "I'm sorry, mo chuisle.  Perhaps they will listen now that I'm back."

"This seems more than just a war you are planning," Hades smirked, leaning back as he took a sip of his drink.

Arthur nodded.  "Yes.  A lot of the gods and goddesses feel that it's time to remind humanity that they exist."

"And why do a lot of the gods feel this way?" Hades asked.

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