Chapter 9 "First day of Rehearsal with Baby Izzy" (Part 1)

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Daveed's POV:

I woke up to the sounds of crying, I remember The Cry belong to Isabella, I quickly got Up from My bed and I walked into Isabella's room.

I saw Isabella was crying while She was sleeping, My Heart dropped.

I gently picked Isabella Up and I cradled Her.

"Isabella, Wake Up, It's okay, It's okay, I got You, Just listen to My voice, You'll be okay, Just stay alive with Me" I Said Softly

Isabella slowly open Her eyes and She cried on My chest and I slowly rocked Her.

"Shh, Do You wanna tell Me What happen?" I Asked but Isabella kept crying.

"Shhh, Was it a nightmare?" I Asked

Isabella nodded Her head and She hugged Me tightly.

"Do You wanna sleep with Me Tonight, So You won't get scared?" I Asked

"Yea-" Said Isabella Softly.

"Okay" I Said and I carried Isabella in My room.

I put Isabella on The other side of The bed next to Me and I lay down and I looked at Her.

"You feel alright?" I Asked

Isabella nodded Her head and She crawled into My arms, I smiled and Isabella had fallen asleep in My arms, I gently wipe Her tears away, I kissed Her on Her Forehead and I started to fall asleep.


(The Next Morning)

Once I open My eyes from The Light of The Sun was shining on Both Me and Isabella, I sat Up and I saw that Isabella was still sleeping.

I smiled and I gently stroked Isabella's Hair and I saw Isabella saw started to wake Up.

"Good Morning, Love" I Said Softly and Isabella was rubbing Her eyes.

Isabella yawn and She looked at Me.

"Do You wanna get ready and eat Breakfast?" I Asked

"Yea-" Said Isabella

I picked Up Isabella and-

"First Thing, We gotta do when We first wake Up in The morning, We have to brush Our teeth, Okay?" I Asked

Isabella nodded Her head.

We walked into The Bathroom and I put Isabella down for a second.

"I'm gonna help You brush Your Teeth, Okay?" I Asked and Isabella nodded Her head.

I grabbed Isabella's Toothbrush and I put a little bit of Toothpaste on Isabella's Toothbrush and I picked Her Up and I gently brush Her Teeth.

Once I was done with Brushing Isabella's teeth and My Teeth and I Carried Isabella out of The Bathroom and I carried Isbella downstairs and I walked into The Kitchen and I put Isabella in Her Highchair.

"What would You like to eat, Izzy?" I Asked and I looked at Her but She just shrugged.

"Don't know? That's Okay, Would You like Pancakes?" I Asked

"Yea-" Said Isabella

"Okay, Honey" I Said

"If You like You can watch TV while I make Breakfast" I Said

"K-ay" Said Isabella

I push Isabella's Highchair with Isabella and I turn on The TV and Cartoons came on.

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