one: trucks

846 40 3

Yeonjun's POV:

I smiled watching all of the little kids running around on the playground outside. Soobin and I are so excited to be here. Hopefully we can make one little boy or girl really happy.

"Hi... We have an appointment with Felix-ssi today." Soobin said as we walked over to the reception desk.

"Last name?" She asked.


The receptionist looked at her computer for a few seconds before asking, "Soobin-ssi and Yeonjun-ssi?"

"Yes, ma'am... Sorry, we're a little early."

She gave Soobin a little smile, "No worries... He should be coming back from his lunch break any—..." She paused and smiled, looking over Soobin's shoulder, "Here he is."

We both turned around, seeing a shorter man walking up to us with a smile. He reached his hand out, "You must be the Choi's, yes?"

Soobin nodded and shook his hand, "So nice to finally meet you in person."

"Yeah..." He said as he pulled his hand away to shake my hand, "Wow... You two are very tall."

Soobin and I both chuckled, "Thank you."

"Well, my office is right down the hall..." He gestured for us to follow him, "Follow me."

Soobin walked right next to Felix and immediately started asking him questions, but something caught my eye when I glanced outside again. It made me stop walking, neither Soobin nor Felix noticing since they were already deep into conversation. There was one smaller boy far from the playground, sitting under a tree and quietly playing by himself. God, he looked so upset and I wanted to make sure he was alright. I'll just ask him real quick and then get back without them noticing.

I quickly made sure the receptionist wasn't looking before going out the door and cautiously walking over to him. Upon closer inspection, he had two trucks that he was playing with, rolling them back and forth on the grass with a small pout on his face. He looked up when he noticed me walking closer to him, so I gave him a little smile and said, "Hi." Waving to him.

He didn't say anything and focused his attention back on the trucks he was playing with. I hesitated before moving closer, sitting on the grass and crisscrossing my legs like he was doing, keeping a good distance between us. I didn't just want to ask right away about what was wrong. He only looked like he was three or four, so I didn't want to overwhelm him, "What's your name?"

He looked up at me again, his eyes wider than before. He stared at me for a few seconds before shyly looking away, rolling his trucks on the grass again. I waited a moment before saying, "My name's Yeonjunie..." I paused, trying to think of something to say, "I love your trucks."

Really Yeonjun? Ugh... That was the best thing you could think of? He's never going to talk to—

"Dey not mine." He replied, making me softly smile.

He was still looking down at his trucks, so I tried to keep the conversation going, "Who's are they then?"

He looked up, his eyes looked so soft and innocent as he pointed behind me, "Miss Janette... She gave dem to me."

I looked behind me, seeing an older woman watching over the kids on the playground. I turned back to look at him as he added, "I lost my truck... She had dem at her home."

I smiled, "That's very nice of her..." I replied before it was quiet again. I hesitated for a moment, trying to think of something to say so our conversation could continue, "What happened to your truck?"

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