Chapter 5

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Well, when they said I had a lot of stuff coming, they were NOT kidding. First off, there was this Dragon training when I had to kill a actual dragon. They started off small but the dragon still beat me, over, and over again. “This is our smallest dragon, it's tiny but it's still really strong and it's about the same size as you.” Aline said. That was weird. For a moment I thought she just said it's about the same size as me. So I was like, “Umm, did you just say it is about the same size as me.” thinking I heard her wrong. “Yeah, it's our smallest dragon.” she took it out of it's cage, and it was on all four's. It didn't look so big then but when it stood on it's hind legs, it WAS the same height as me. It had silver, hard skin, dark black eyes, claws and teeth as sharp as razors, and had a super sharp point at the end of it's tail! “Well, are you ready, son of David?” I turned to her and said “Who the hell is--” That's when a burst of hot, blue fire came straight at me. I was somewhat ready, so I jumped up high, like I did when I was fighting Aline, but not fast enough because some of the fire hit my leg, and it felt like my whole body was on fire! It felt so bad, I wanted to scream, but since I'm a thug, I didn't. But the look on Aline's face got me pissed. I looked like doubt, and resentfulness. That made me want to kill that dragon to prove I was worth something. So, as it was cocking it's head for another burst of flames, I ran  towards it, jumped on it's back, and stabbed it's shoulder. Then, I grabbed it in a bear hug and started to slit it's throat, when his tail wrapped around my throat, and squeezed. As it started choking me, it's grip got tighter and tighter and I thought I was about to pass out. I still had the sword I had earlier, and the pistol thing, so I shot it's tail but it just bounced right off. “That only works on Angels, demons, and humans!” she yelled to me. Then, I sliced up and cut the tip of it's tail off and it screeched in pain. It rotated it's head in a full 360 and then dropped me. I was like fifty feet in the air! But as I was falling, I used my sword, and stuck it in his back and slid all the way down to the floor, and when I looked at him, he had a long cut down his back. He screamed, while shooting fire just everywhere. I ran towards him, finally controlling the unnatural speed that seemed to be in me, jumped on his head, and cut off his head. Now, Aline had a look on her face I've never seen before; shock. She didn't think I could kill the dangerous little thing. It was hard but in the end I did it. “That was just a test,” she teased and smiled, a half grin on her face. “The fun is about to begin.” Then she gestured and told me to follow her. I started walking with her and she took me to a place I've never seen before. It was a giant room with all blue walls, a queen sized bed, posters of celebrities everywhere, a bathroom, and a closet. “What room is this? A giant killer queen bee who has a obsession with celebrities?” she gave me a stern  look and said, “No, it's my room, we need to get my favorite weapon so I can kick you're ass in the arena in a sec.” Then she went to the closet and pulled out a tool-belt full of weapons, and her pink glowing sword. Then flashes of me almost ending her with her own weapon came in my head, and I felt resent. She must have seen the look on my face because she said “Don't worry, it's not like you're gonna subdue me again. I'll beat you faster this time.” and grinned a devilish grin. I raised my eyebrows and said, “I'm not worried about you beating me, I'm just worried about getting speared again.” and walked out of the room back outside on the clouds into the cool night air. I was halfway to the arena when she caught up to me and said “It was an accident, it's not like he wanted to spear you.” she said. “Yeah, he accidentally threw a spear in my chest and made me lose a lot of blood.” I said and then she blushed. “He was just protecting me.” she said, twirling the sword in her hand. Then I thought of something, so I said, “Hey, who is David anyway?” then she looked at me confused like I should know who he is or something and said “Well, he's you're father. We aren't really angels, we just have wings, but we are a race of superhumans, unlike regular humans. We came straight from the angel Gabriel, while normal humans came from God. We kill demons and the supernatural to keep them from taking over the planet and making the humans slaves. We are called the Reapers, but some of us hate and kill humans but most of us don't. When we kill humans for a inhumane reason, are wings turn black. Your father, David, was the strongest Reaper of all. He killed thousands of demons but there was a demon named Raziel who wasn't happy about it. He took your father and created a--” BOOM! A huge explosion came from the entrance of this place and a giant huge looking dog came in, along with a whole lot of wolves and lots of different looking creatures of all sizes, and then a loud booming voice was heard that sounded like it was coming from everywhere . Then it said “WHERE IS THE ONE CALLED JACK, SON OF DAVID!! IF HE IS NOT HANDED TO US IN 30 SECONDS, THEN WE WILL DESTROY EVERY REAPER IN THIS GODFORSAKEN LAND!” I looked at Aline and I sensed a little fear in her. She had a stern look on her face and had started to ready her sword. “5,4,3,2,1.....” “Dang it.” she hissed as all the creatures came rushing towards all the Reapers and leaped into action. They slashed and clawed and bit the reapers but they fought back. None of them thought to give me up, I thought. They could have given me up, just a kid who didn't even wanna be here, I thought. I needed to help them, they were depending on me to fight in their war and I needed to show them that I won't give up on them, even though it's not my fight. I took out my sword but then someone shouted, “That won't work on them! You need a new sword, I got you one! It's in your room!” Jake. That was the voice I heard. I turned and saw him fighting off two giant black monster things . He jumped up on one of the monsters as the other one striked and sank his teeth in the other one, and it melted! The two Jake were fighting has dark black skin, scales, and  looked like giant snakes. They were 30 ft tall an looked menacing. But I had to go get that sword, so I ran to my room, opened the door, and ran into a mouthful of  razor sharp teeth the size of a whale! He looked down at me and I saw a..... one humongous eye. He stood up all the way and I realized he was a cyclops! I didn't think they existed but they did say they killed demons and supernatural. He smiled and it was like looking into the mouth of a fifty ft shark. I wanted to run but as I turned, I saw this sexy ass sword. The handle was gray with 1 red ruby in the middle of it and on the sides, two stone dragons entwining together. The sword was long, thick, and sharp and had a deadly look. On the sword, in cursive it said Jake. I ran towards it only to get hit by a hand that was the size of a bus. I slammed into the wall,hard. I got up and heard the giant say something but it was in a language I didn't understand. It sounded like a series of noises and gibberish that sounded like  “Nakra es tu sevedata.”  then he shrunk a little. See in mind, he was still about 15 feet tall but he was way bigger then that a second ago. I ran again, hoping i could use my speed to get past him, and it worked. I ran towards him, and as he was about to whack me again, I grabbed his fist, flipped over him, landed on the bed, and picked up my sword. As I held it up, It glowed blue and I felt power surge in me. He hissed and ran a me, clumsily and slow. But I jumped up, spin kicked him in the head, and he went down like a stone. Then I leaped on top of him, raised the sword,and sunk it deep in his one eye. I heard him scream and then he turned to dust and sank into the ground. It wasn't that hard and then I heard a loud scream come from outside. I almost forgot there was a battle outside. I saw a  tool-belt full of weapons on my bed so I picked it up, and wrapped it around my waist, and put the sword case on my back, then I ran out, not knowing at all what awaited me when I ran out the door. Then I stopped, my hand on the door handle, and thought for a second. This isn't my war, but these people are depending on me. But I just got dragged into this, I almost got killed, a lot of times, and I was only doing this to see Julie again, who I haven't seen in weeks. I've been training so much and they haven't even let me call her. I hated doing this and they said I had some power and my dad was one of “the greats” but I didn't even know who a David is. I turned and saw a window. I could leave any moment, I thought. But that wouldn't be right, and I wanted to help them, but again, this is not my war. I could leave right now and go hide somewhere forever with Julie, have a normal life. Then, finally, I made my decision, Dammit....

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