part 4

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Greenman pov:

He was having a panic attack
Wouldn't you if your crush came upto you and said "where's the math department?" Yeah it's not what you'd expect but hey atleast it's something
So what do you do? You mess it up, you run away into the bathroom and wash your face thinking how stupid you were by not saying anything.

Dammitt why are you so awkward?

You've just pushed away your crush
It's okay you'll find them later, right?

Yeah it's okay,you'll find them later.


You didn't "find them later"
You didn't find them at all
You've messed up badly huh?

"It's okay greenman just breathe"
Is it okay? No, not really greenman was clearly upset, he didn't find his crush
He should learn how to be more less awkward.

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