Chapter 1: Hya's Biggest Secrets!

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Third Person's POV

It was a normal, boring Saturday for Class 1-A, they were sitting on the common area of their dorm. All of them had no idea what to do since they all played the games they had, and didn't wanted to train due to the heat and were tired from the performance they did the other night.

But as they were thinking, they all realized that one of the members and leader of The Trio is missing

"Hey, has anyone know where Hya-chan is?" Izumi asked, worried about her best friend

"Good question, she's usually out by now, but since she isn't, she's probably doing something important, so we shouldn't disturb her." Iida stated, chopping in the air

"What, come on, it's just more boring without her, right Shoka, Miguel, Chase?" Ashido said to Shoto's twin and Miguel, Hya's older cousin who was 16 years old and Chase, who was a younger brother of Miguel who was a same age as Hya, wanting something, ANYTHING to happen

"I don't know Ashido." Shoka said, shrugging her shoulder

"But Iida-san's right, we can't just bother my cousin like that if she's doing something important." Miguel said

"He's right." Chase said while nodding his head

To Ashido's joy, the class started to 'argue' whether or not to check on her, then the Bakugo twins just got up and went to Hya's room, catching Uraraka, Andrei, Xhander, and Izumi's attention

"Katchan, where are you going?" Andrei, Xhander and Izumi asked

"Bakugo, what are you up to?" Uraraka then asked after Andrei, Xhander and Izumi asked, with the rest of the class are busy arguing to hear them

After about a minute, they all heard two explosions coming from Hya's dorm. The class runs to see what the Bakugo twins had done and see that they had blown the door open.

"What are you two doing?" The class asked in unison seeing this

"What were just--"

"We're bringing that nerd out to you guys, that's what you guys wanted, right?" Katsumi said, cutting Katsuki off, making him annoyed

Iida was about to say anything while swinging his arm, but Yaoyorozu cut him off noticing some piece of paper on Hya's desk

"Guys look, a note." Yaoyorozu said

"Eh? EH?! DID HYA LEAVE?! NO, NO, NO, NO!!" Izuku screamed and started to cry of fear of his childhood best friend leaving him, Miguel and Chase tries to calm him down

"Oi, oi, calm down now, Izuku-san. It's fine, maybe she's just doing training for a month... or maybe...?" Miguel said

"Yeah, maybe he's right." Chase then said, agreeing with his older brother

'Did you really ran away, Hya... If so... Naze?' Miguel thought

'Don't you ever think of running away like that, Hya...' Chase thought with a worried expression

"Well Ponytail, what's it say?" Katsumi asked with a worried expression on her face

"Hold on, as Class rep, I shall read it, with all due respect Yaoyorozu." Iida said, taking the note

"Dear Class

I'm sorry if I didn't tell you guys (Mainly Izuku, Izumi-chan, Miguel, Chase, Katchan, Shoto, and Shoka). I'm heading out to try out some new training methods and I'll be back by next month, I've already informed Aizawa-sensei about this and he said it was okay, so please don't worry, I'll come back. Also, please fix the door since if I know Katchan and Kacchan will blow it off, so if you guys fix it for me, then I appreciated it.

Hya can Sing?! (Real life! Quirkful! Hya Evans x Midoriya Izuku)Where stories live. Discover now