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"This is literally worse than the time I got lost at an IKEA when I was six

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"This is literally worse than the time I got lost at an IKEA when I was six."

"On a scale from one to physics exam what do you rate your suffering?"

"Very bad, do not recommend."

"Guys, focus! Keep your eyes on the road in case we run into anything!"

"Let me try then. Oh no, the floor in front of me! How dreadful!"

"Hey, what's that on the wall?"



"That can't be good."


Here are the forms!

I will only be picking 7 other OCs out of the submissions, making a main cast of 8. I might put more characters in the main cast depending in how many people apply, so we'll see.

I'll be picking OCs that I think fit the plot, so please don't get too upset if your OC doesn't make the final cast.

Before we start the form, we have some rules. Yes, rules, to make sure chaos doesn't happen.


i: Try to Be Active!
I'm honestly the least concerned with this, since I've probably violated this rule once or twice myself. I'm really sorry. I'd appreciate it a lot if you could put this book in your library and keep track with it. Password 1 is your favourite aesthetic. Again, I'm not very concerned with it, so even if you fail to, say, finish character thoughts or anything, it's not the end of the world, I'll just base how your character acts off your character form, so that way it'll be done, but less accurate.

ii: Be Nice!
Swearing in comments is fine as long as it's not used in a context in which you're, let's say, being rude towards others. Please try to be nice to each other and don't fight over your oc getting casted, me making you change stuff to suit the storyline, etc.

iii: Diversity!
Don't make all your characters cis straight and white! I mean, there's no problem with being cis straight and white, but more diversity in the cast is always appreciated. Make your character a POC. Make them transgender. Make them genderfluid. Maybe they could use neopronouns. Maybe they are sexually attracted to all genders but not romantically attracted to anyone at all. Maybe they have ADHD, or even OCD. It doesn't matter what they're like, as long as they aren't offensive to anyone in any way, then I'll accept the character. Oh, and also, no super overpowered characters, because everyone has weaknesses. Password 2 is something irrational that used to scare you as a child.

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