Chapter 1

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I woke up and stepped out of bed, only in my underwear, my incredibly skinny and hourglass body was reflected in the mirrors of my private room.

Normally, only the Head Boy and Girl get private rooms, but in Fourth Year Dumbledore and Snape were my Sugar Daddies, so they let me have my own room.

I look in the mirror and pull my blonde hair into a messy bun, not bothering with makeup as I'm not fake like the other girls. Tears glisten in my pink-purple-blue-silver orbs as I think about how mean people are to me.

Once I finish getting dressed,I make my way down to the great hall and sit at the Slytherin table.

I quickly eat my vegan, cruelty-free yogurt, and my Avacado toast.

But I'm not quick enough.

"Hahahah guys its y/n!" said Melissa, her and her cronies sitting down next to me.

"You're so weird y/n" laughed Patricia.

"I-i-t's n-n-not m-my fault I'm d-d-iffernt." I said.

"Ugh, yeah it is" jeered Melissa.

"Leave her alone," said a strong, deep, masculine voice behind me.

"Okay Draco," said Patricia, twirling a piece of hair flirtingly around her finger.

He just glared at her and grabbed my arm, pulling me out of the great hall.

To my surprise, instead of taking me to transfiguration, Draco pulled me into nearby cupboard.


"You won't call me Draco. You will call me Daddy."

"Ok Daddy."

He pulled out his member, and shoved it up my womanhood.

"Ohh, Daddy." I moaned.

Suddenly, Dumbledore flung open the door of the cupboard. 

"I was walking past, and I couldn't help but overhear. Can I join you?"  he said.

Me and Draco nodded, and Dumbledore joined us in the cupboard.

To be continued.......

A/N I have literally no idea what this is. In my defense, It's 6:30 am and I haven't slept all night, so cut me some slack.

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