"Hey I'm ba-" Frank said as he ran up to the table. "Oh, what happened now? I just took the paper towels back?"

Piper answered first. "Well, Percy turned into a milk fountain and made a mess."

He groaned and ran back.  Leo came running in as he fastened his tool belt. Don't ask why he has it, I'm pretty sure it was the only thing that he had remaining that belonged to his mom...before the accident. He had told us she had died but refused to tell us how. "Hey, where is the big guy?' he asked.

Jason shrugged. "Went to get paper towels, Percy spewed milk everywhere."

Leo looked at me and cocked an eyebrow. "Really Jackson? Doesn't surprise me." he said as he grabbed a bag of apple slices and sat down. He looked up as a funny expression crossed his face. He jumped up and looked down. It appeared that Leo sat down right in some of the milk. I laughed. 

"Serves you right for not respecting the water." I joked.  He glared at me as Frank returned and handed him the paper towels. His bum was in dire need of dryness.

"You need help?" Hazel asked. Piper cocked an eyebrow at her. Hazel must have noticed because she quickly rephrased her question. "With the milk- No the paper towels- NO! I meant do you want me to clean the table while you....clean you..?" she asked. Leo shrugged and threw her the roll. She quickly cleaned up the mess.

Annabeth checked her watch. "Guys it's 8:45, we'd better get going." She stated as she went to throw her trash away. I grabbed a Trixx bar and followed her. Everyone else threw their trash away too and followed suit. 

We all walked to Chiron's room. He was our favorite counselor. Mostly because he was the most laid back. He asked that we don't use any formalities and he was straightforward forward too. He always told us when a problem rose or if something came up. Not gonna lie the guy was wise too, you'd think he's lived forever if you met him. I reached the door first and I opened it for the gang. When we got in it wasn't Chiron who awaited us, but some old lady named... Ms. Hestia.

We all looked at each other. This wasn't like Chiron. He always gave us a warning if he ever had to miss, even then he rarely did. Either way, I didn't trust this new person. It was too sudden. Besides, the only people I did trust were Paul, Mom, the gang, and Chiron. I looked around the room to see if I could read the others. By the looks of it, they didn't either. That day we all knew, we would definitely have to keep our guards up. 

Ms. Hestia spoke. "I have an announcement to make." 

We all looked up.

She continued, "Chiron had to go away. But he left you all a note. He says that nothing is wrong. he wants you all to know that things will change...soon. Also, tomorrow is your last day here. you'll all be enrolled in a school called Francoise Dupont."

They glanced at each other with skepticism and shock. So sudden

She took a breath. "Also... You all will be assigned a foster family. Not all of you will be together though. I hand out the papers in a moment so that we can get everything ready today and spend tomorrow... celebrating your last day here?" She phrased it as if it were a question. They nodded reluctantly as she began passing out the forms.

I looked at mine. Huh... the Dupain-Chengs. Says here they have a daughter named Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I looked at my new family. They didn't seem too bad. Hopefully, I'd be able to see my mom again soon though. I missed Sally more than anything...but she was busy at home with Estelle and she didn't know I was free yet. We'd all had a choice to tell our parents, but I chose not to. As much as it pained me I didn't want to bother her...especially with everything that had been happening. Things were changing. Chiron was right, and I knew it. Looking back on it I think we all did. Too many things had been happening that we couldn't explain. Only thing is, I'm pretty sure these changes aren't gonna be good ones. 

We all began to talk. Annabeth looked directly at me. "Percy, who do you have?" 

"Dupain-Chengs. Why?" I responded. 

She cursed under her breath. "Because you're my best friend you idiot. I got Agreste."

Not gonna lie I had some major mixed feelings about her statement. First I was happy I was her best friend. Second I was sad that I was just her best friend. 

Piper piped up next. "I got the Cesaire's." 

Hazel went next. " I got the Dupain-Cheng's"

"I got the Lahiffe's." Frank said. 

"I got the Agreste guy too." Jason said. 

Hazel looked at Leo. "Who'd you get?"

He looked back at them with wide eyes. "The same as Percy and Hazel"

Huh, so it would be Hazel, Leo, this Marinette girl, and I in a new house...together. Well...this'll be fun. 

"Okay, now that you all have discussed that, I'm sending you to your bunks to pack up. If you all can be done in...say an hour and a half, we'll go tour your new homes and the school."

With that she dismissed us and we went to pack.

If only it were easy to handle everything so smoothly. I could handle school and fostering. But this thing about Chiron was bugging me. 

Something wasn't right.



Anyways if you liked it vote or comment please. bye sugarcubes love youuu💖💃🏻😌'💅🏼✨mwah


°•Tales of Miraculous Demigods•°Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora