I give him a perplexed look, and he continues.

''You'll see. I just know it, and now is the perfect time. And she won't find out because we're not going to tell her.''

Arguing with crazy people is pointless, so I continue drinking my beer, wishing this day would be over already.

I'm a wreck, and I wish it were simply due to nerves from seeing all these people gathered around my paintings, but I hate to admit it: it's because of her.

I just received a text from Finn saying he spoke to her and she's on her way here.

Maybe I'll just tell him I didn't see her?

As I press the button for the top floor, the elevator doors are about to close when a woman's hand slips in between to prevent them from shutting completely.

The doors begin to reopen, revealing the woman standing there.


Long pale naked legs.

That's the first thing I see.

She's not facing me. Her delicate, unpolished fingers are busy pulling down her short black dress. Her long brown hair cascades over one of her shoulders, concealing her face.

She's stunning. No, she's absolutely breathtaking. Damn.

I need to see her face.

So I blurt out the first thing that comes to mind.

''Are you getting in or did you just stop the elevator to give me a little show?'' I mentally kick myself.

Why did I say that?

She freezes for a moment, still in her half-motion. I press my lips together to stifle a laugh.

Then she straightens up and steps inside without glancing at me.

And I still can't get a proper look at her face.

Damn it.

One thing is certain—she has an incredible body. Tall and slender, her leather jacket adds a touch of toughness to her undeniable sex appeal.

I bet that dress accentuates her fantastic ass.

She's about to press the button for the top floor when she hesitates.

Yes, you're going to ride all the way up with me.

As if she can sense my inner turmoil, she turns around.

Finally, she's facing me.

There goes my plan to ignore her tonight.

It's her.

Well, shit.

I wish I could say I haven't fantasized about her at all, but that would be a lie. She looks even more incredible in person. It's as if those pictures I saw of her couldn't capture her true beauty.

They failed to do her justice. Not even close.

She is breathtaking, but I feel like even those words fall short.

Her features are otherworldly. Her perfectly shaped, red plum lips and sharp cheekbones are a sight to behold. Her petite, flawless nose complements her eyes...

If eyes could speak, hers would tell a million stories.

Where did this come from?

What am I? A poet?

I press my lips tightly together to prevent myself from saying anything foolish.

Her eyes are a mesmerizing emerald green, framed by the longest, undoubtedly natural eyelashes.

Let Yourself FallOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant