Chapter Twenty-One: Culmination - Part One

Start from the beginning


Misaki turned toward the people gathered around the conference room table and asked, "Any questions?"

Shadou's typical snide-sounding voice spoke up, "What if they'd been color blind?"

She made a conscious effort not to roll her eyes as she turned to him and answered, "Each card and station also have the color written on them."

He scoffed. "You thought of everything, huh?"

Having had just about enough of his constant naysaying, Misaki caustically asked, "Would it kill you to be supportive for once?"

"No," he answered immediately, tilting his head to gesture to the screen on the wall showing a birds-eye view of the area surrounding Jaku. "But it might kill some of them."

Misaki swallowed heavily, quickly getting her frustration under control before calmly responding, "Plans and preparation are only as effective as those who execute them. I believe in our heroes."

Shadou inclined his head, staring down his nose at her as he said, "We'll see just how well that works out for you."


Never in her life had she wanted to knock someone's head off as much as she did his sometimes.

"Commissioner," one of the red team analysts turned in his seat to address her. "The hospital raid team is prepping to move in. T-minus five minutes and counting."

A blue team analyst quickly followed up. "Evacuation teams are standing by in their designated sectors. Ready to begin routing civilians away from the area once the raid team makes entry."

"Online chatter is clear, no mentions of anything related to the PLF," another analyst, this one from the yellow team, chimed in.

"Branch location raid teams are prepped and awaiting the green light," a green team analyst reported.

Migi glanced over at her. "The villa team is preparing to move in now."

Misaki took a deep breath in slowly through her nose and let it out from her mouth, clutching her tablet in her hand as she watched the heroes on the main screen begin making their way out of the meeting room where Detective Tsukauchi had been debriefing them about the situation. "Here we go..."

In no time at all it seemed, the heroes and police approached the entrance to the hospital, and a red team analyst called out, "Hospital infiltration team is making entry."

"Evac teams are on the move," a blue team analyst confirmed.

Misaki tapped on one of the yellow squares on her tablet screen, activating a direct commlink to one of the yellow team analysts. "Pull up the hospital security camera network on the main screen."

A few seconds later, several camera feeds began filling up the screen, showing numerous hallways and lobby areas. She watched as the massive team of heroes began to break off and she instructed the analyst, "Follow Endeavor."

The screen immediately focused in on the camera in the hallway Endeavor and several others were marching down, sending the remaining camera feeds shrinking down to line the edges of the main feed. Not more than a moment later, the familiar form of a squatty, bespectacled man in a white coat came into view, waltzing down the hall ahead of the heroes, seemingly without a care in the world.

She narrowed her eyes darkly. "There you are you sick son of a bitch."

As soon as the doctor became aware of the heroes, he attempted to make a mad dash in the opposite direction but was tripped up by Eraser's binding cloth. He fell forward onto his hands and knees and almost immediately began to visibly age under the influence of his Erasure.

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