chapter one

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Chapter One: Enter, The World's Hero, part one.

Yet another day of hard, harsh work. Men of the lower class work their behinds off as they do the assigned work they're given. The jobs these men have are mostly done in the fields, meaning all day they're in the harsh rays of the sun, and no matter how tiresome they become, they keep on in order to provide food onto their tables.

In the way the world works today, those who didn't work for the things they have, ultimately, don't deserve them, but its also in the matter of status, too. Men and women alike all wanted power, money and the ability to have other do their hard work them, which is why the world is so unstable.

But, that isn't the only reason why, too.

Magic and magic bearers. Magic Bearers are those who are able to produce and use their own magic, and there are tons of them in the world that wish to use their magic for horrible deeds, or even greedy ones. Magic is just the ability to create or do things with just the swipe of your own hands.

Magic bearers are highly respected in some villages and cities, while they aren't in others. Some places had laws where no one is allowed to even practice magic because of how dangerous it could be. It was just too risky.

In the Village of Baloo, magic was highly forbidden, meaning no one was to even speak the word without suffering consequences from their peers for it. None of the younger children and teens understand why, but after being heavily shown the impact of what speaking the word could do, no one dares try.

Well, that is, accept one single boy whose dream is to learn magic to its full ability.

"Abracad— ack!" A long string of coughs erupted from the throat of a teenage boy who sits idly in his room. With the lights dim, and an old book in his hands, he tries, once again, to fulfill the magical spell thats written in an old-timed language, however, just like all the other times, it back fires as the powder springs forth and goes down his throat.

Huffing as tears springs into the corners of his eyes, he sits the book down back onto the olden table and roughly glares at the powder as if it were its fault he's in the state he's in now. "Stupid magic powder," He grumbles. He runs a hand through his unruly hair as he shifts in his seat once again. Why can't he do the spells right? His grandfather's old magic book should still be useful!

"Ah whatever," He waves off his frustration before glancing out the window of his small house. "Master Putral'll kill me if I'm late to work anyways." The boy stands out of his seat and fixes his hair a bit aa he walks towards the front door. A toothpick hangs out of his mouth as he glances around his house to make sure he doesn't leave anything behind. He hums with a nod as he notices he has everything and leaves the house.

His door clicks in place as he stretches his hands far above his head to release a tiresome yawn. If only I had slept sooner last night, he thinks whilst a pout forms. As he heads down the street with his arms behind his head, he hears the call of his name, making him turn his head in return.

"Good morning, young Itto! Here's your breakfast for today!" His eyes gleams in excitement as he rushes towards the old woman's porch. The porch grimaces in response to his footsteps on top of it, and it creaks due to its oldness. The woman, eyes close, smiles at him warmly as she hands him the packed food.

"You must have forgotten to eat once again, didn't you, child?"

He lets out a genuine laugh as he grins at the old woman. "I sure have, misses Yoru." Yoru, the old woman, grins back as she reaches her wrinkled hand up into his hair and ruffles it just a bit. He instantly leans into her touch. "You head on to work now. That old coop Prutal'll have your head, but if he dares to try you in front of me, I'll beat 'em where it hurts!" Itto's chest rumbles as he laughs once again.

"You know you can't do that misses Yoru. You're way too old to be fighting someone as ugly as him anyways." She sends him a wink. "I may be old, but I still got it!" They share one last laugh before Itto is once again on his way. He waves her goodbye and tells her he'll be back to share supper with her today since he didn't yesterday, and she's happy to comply.

- > Time Skip < -

Itto struggles a bit to pick up a large bag of pomegranates, but was successful to place it on the cart in the end. As he works, older men sit around and drink. He doesn't care, since they're all actually nice to him, and they get up eventually to try and help him out as well.

"You're workin' hard today, huh, Itto?" Said boy huffs once more as he sits yet another bag full down. He turns to them while he wipes sweat off of his eyebrows. "Yeah! Master Prutal'll kill me if I don't have this done by the time he's ready to set off to get these sold later on." The man scowls in response as he places the bottle down.

"You still workin' for that old groot Prutal?" Itto laughs nervously as he scratches his cheek. It's not as if he wishes to— he has no other choice but to. He owes the man tons of money, and since he can't afford the money, he decided to simply work it all off. "Yes, unfortunately." He responds. Another man speaks up after, "You outta find some way to get out of it, kid. You're too young to be workin' so hard with such little pay!"

Itto laughs them off as he picks two bags up over his shoulders. He smiles back at them warmly. "Don't worry about me! I'll be fine!" Right as he says so, he looses his balance and causes the bags to topple ontop of him. The men all laugh as Itto's cheeks flush in embarrassment.

Although he is embarrassed, Itto can't help himself but laugh.

Soon, time begun to speed up, and before he knows it, it's time for him to load up Prutal's carts. It takes him a while to load up the first three carts with the bags of pomegranates he had made earlier, and now, he's loading up the last two with the rest.

Itto grins to himself as sweat runs down his face. He's nearly done, and with no accidents! He's proud of himself, and in that state of pride, he puffs his chest out whilst sparkles ross around him. He opens the tent of the second to last cart and placed down the large bag of apples, but he pauses when he looks up.

A (H/c) haired girl sits in the back of the cart munching on a pomegranate. Her eyes are locked onto his own, and they have a staring contest. Itto is the first to glance away, as his eyes trail to the amount of half-eaten pomegranates are on the floor around her. His mind processes this as she continues to eat.

She's eating... the pomegranates.

He clicks that in, and with his eyes widening, his mouth shoots open as a yell of surprise leaves his mouth.


- &gt; unwanted attention &lt; -Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum