•{Chapter 1}•

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A day everyone loathes. Having to wake up early in the morning after sleeping late at night during the weekend, alone is enough to make anyone loath this day.

The sun is rising on Lumious City, illuminating the previously dark streets. The wild bird Pokémon started to rise from their slumber, chanting a harmonic melody.

At a time so early in the morning, people are usually expected to be still dozing off, which is what they usually wish to do on a day like this.

A car was making its way in the unusually empty streets of Lumious City. It stopped In front of a two-story house. Two people emerged from the car, both dressed in business attire.

The figures made their way towards the house's door, while the male figure fiddled in his pockets, attempting to find something.

He pulled out a key, which apparently fits in the door's key whole. The man slid the key into the keyhole, and with a satisfying click, the door unlocked.

The man opened the door for the lady with him, allowing her to enter, which is what she did. The man entered the house and closed the door behind him and locked it.

The lady let a sigh of relief escape her red tented lips, as she placed her suitcase on the kitchen's counter.

"I'll go wake up the kids, you should go and freshen up." The man told his wife. She nodded and slowly made her way towards, and up the stairs.

The man placed his suitcase on the kitchen's counter. He took off his shoes, not bothering to place them where they belong. He walked up the stairs, and walked towards a door.

He calmly opened it and entered the room. much to his confusion, there was no one in the room. He suddenly heard a flushing noise coming from the room's bathroom. Moments later, a raven haired boy came out from the bathroom.

The man softly smiled at the boy in front of him. "Good morning Champ. How come you're up?"  The man asked the raven haired boy.

The boy ran towards the man and quickly tackled him into a hug, much to the man's surprise. The man chuckled and pat his son's head. "You're finally back.." The boy whispered, causing the man to smile.

"You still didn't answer my question." The man told his raven haired son, causing a little chuckle to escape his mouth.

"I woke up a few minutes ago to get ready. I just wanna get this day over with." The boy told his father while breaking the hug.

"Come on, change your clothes and fix the mess on your head. The ladies like a good looking guy." The father jokingly stated with a wink, flustering the boy. "Dad!" He exclaimed with embarrassment evident in his voice and facial expression.

The man chuckled at his son's reaction. He got up and left the room, closing the door on his way out.

The ravenette sighed, as a little smile tugged the corners of his lips. He stood up, using his bed for support. 

He threw on a quick outfit. An over sized white T-shirt, along with black shorts and a pair ofblack converse shoes.

He looked in the mirror, satisfied with his look. He didn't bother fixing his hair, he knows it'll get messed up again either way.

The boy noticed a chunk of yellow fur sneaking towards him. He then felt some weight on his right shoulder. "Pika Pikachu!" The yellow creature squealed. The ravenette pat his little buddy's head, right between his ears.

"Morning buddy. Guess what. Mom and dad are back from their business trip!" The raven haired boy exclaimed, his bronze eyes gleaming with happiness. "Pika!" The mouse looking Pokémon squealed with happiness.

"Come on, let's go eat breakfast. Mom and dad must be waiting for us." The boy told his partner, who nodded in agreement.

The boy picked up his previously prepared backpack and hung it loosely on his free left shoulder. He exited his room and closed its door, before he made his way towards the staircase.

He carefully walked down the stairs, not wanting to suddenly trip and fall down. He entered the Kitchen to see his mother cooking something on the stove. The boy decided to sneak up to her and hug her.

He slowly walked towards his mom, trying to make the least noise possible. "I know you're there Ash." The mother cheekily stated out of no where, not bothering to turn around, scaring her son. He nervously chuckled and scratched his nose.

"Sharp as ever." He praised his mother. The auburn haired mother turned around, smiling brightly at her son. "It's called mother senses." She joked, while walking towards 'Ash' and hugging him.

"I missed you so much.." Ash whispered to his mother, who ruffled with his already messy hair. "Me too Ashy.." She whispered back.

Their sweet moment was interrupted by a loud yawn coming from the staircase. The auburn haired lady broke the hug and looked towards where the noise came from.

A tall teenager with black, almost straight hair, walked towards the duo. His eyelids opened revealing two vermilion colored irises, their color commonly mistook for the color red.

"Good morning Ma. Missed you so much." The black haired teenager greeted, before kissing his mother's forehead. "Good morning Red. Missed you too hunny." She greeted back.

Ash tensed up. He and Red don't exactly have the best bond. He kept quite and turned around towards the stove, where a pan that contained a slice of pancakes was.

He turned off the stove and slid the pancake onto one of the other four stacks. "Thanks Ashy!" The mother thanked Ash, who smiled.

Ash sat down on one of the kitchen's stools. "So, what would you guys like for toppings ?" The mother asked her sons.

"Some honey and butter." 'Red' answered. The auburn haired mother nodded, humming in acceptance. "What about you Ash?" She asked. "Some chocolate syrup will do." Ash replied. "Coming right up!" The mother exclaimed, twirling around towards the fridge.

Footsteps are hearable on the staircase. The father entered the kitchen while stretching his arms out. "Now that's much better." The father who was dressed in comfy clothing stated, really emphasizing the word 'Much'.

He removed the suitcases off from the kitchen counter, and placed them on the nearby couch. He sat down and took a big sniff, the smell of chocolate, pancakes, and butter filling his lungs. "This surely smells like home!" He joked, making his other family members laugh.

The mother placed two plates on the kitchen counter, in front of Red and Ash. "Non for me Delia?" The father asked his wife, pretending to be hurt. "Oh stop acting like a child well you." 'Delia' jokingly scolded her husband, placing a stack of pancakes coated with honey and powdered sugar in front of him.

She placed another stack of pancakes glazed with strawberry syrup on the counter, in front of where she was supposed to sit. "So, how was last week with you guys?" Delia asked the boys. "It was fine. Nothing interesting happened." Red replied. "Same here.." Ash added.

"What about you guys?" Red asked his parents. "It was okay. But tiring." Delia replied. "Things went great though. When Satoshi is on to something, it works like a charm!" 'Satoshi' arrogantly added, proudly pointing at himself. His family chuckled in amusement.

"You never grow up do you?" Delia sarcastically asked. "Oh let me be." Satoshi stated. Pikachu started giggling, his mouth full with some pancakes Ash fed him. "Oh crap- I NEED TO HEAD OUT!' Ash who just checked the time exclaimed.

He stood up and bent down to pick up his bag that he previously placed on the floor. He picked it up and hurried to his parents. He kissed his mother's forehead and side hugged his father. "Bye mom! Bye dad! See ya later!" He exclaimed before opening the house's door and heading out.

"I should head out too. See ya later Ma. Bye Pops." Red told his parents. "Bye hunny. love you. Make sure to tell Ash that we love him too. Kay?" Delia replied. Red nodded and exited the house through the front door and closed it behind him..

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