Chapter Eleven

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Ok. I've had a hellova fucking year. But I've been feeling inspired lately and I wrote outlines for the next 10 chapters so expect frequent updates for the next few weeks. Give this book some love since I'm blowing the dust off my keyboard. Share, vote, etc. really hope you enjoy it.

Tristan's POV

'I miss them,' I state the obvious to myself while watching Margret and Shelby leave the porch saying goodbye to Matty. At least I assume as much.

"Why doesn't the magic ghost cameras pick up any angle in the world you want, yet can't pick up sound?" I ask Madam while she refreshes her drink for the 7th time I've been here.

"You complain to me about my quality of surveillance, yet can't handle a day without disempiring into my office. If you wanna be so nosey then just go back." She flicks her pinky into the air purposefully, after throwing such shade. Bitch.

I give her a sharp glare before putting my attention back onto the screen. Matty's in the kitchen with the dishes. His hands get slower and slower as his mind seems to drift, I watch him intently, as if I'm in a trance, until he snaps his head back up into reality.

His slightly dazed face makes me laugh as he tries to keep his mind focused while continuing to wash and dry, wash and dry, wash and dry, repeatedly. I can't avoid him forever. I won't avoid him forever. I need to talk to him.

"I have a plan."

Madam looks up from her phone, (yes, phone, meaning she had stolen it from the owners right before these and made them think they had lost it and now all she does on it is play games and watch Spanish SOAP operas online.) pausing her intense game of candy crush with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah? What's that?" She asks looking straight back down at her swiping thumbs.

"I'm gonna pretend to be his neighbor."

"Pffffft HA HA HA HA" she cackles while holding her drink in one and hand and the phone in the other. A few intensely smelling, fly drops land on my cheek that I quickly wipe away.

"I'm serious! He already thinks I am because of that time he saw me and Eliza! And- and we can be friends! I can pretend to knock on the front door and him letting me in to hang out with him. Then eventually we'd get close enough that I wouldn't have to pretend to use the door anymore and I'd just show up! I could spire to meet his family, unspire when I'm 'going home' and just hide in the back yard or down stares till her leaves for school! It's full proof!" I get more and more excited as I think about all the time I'd be able to spend with him and it'd feel almost like a real life. Meeting his family. Maybe even sleep overs so I wouldn't have to pretend to leave.
"What're you gonna braid each other's hair too?" She chuckles, breaking my barreling train of thought.

"Why not?" I sharply retort, not expecting an answer.
"Because a fucking dead guy communicating with the living is dangerous!" Wow, I don't think I've ever heard Madam curse before, it's even more rare considering the time she's from.

"Why do you think I'm not out there chatting it up with the other families that come to live here? Out there living out my eternal youth. Pretending I'm a squatter in this house and claim I'm alive and it is still mine? Better yet, make a fucking spectacle of myself! The headlines: 'Real ghost found at historical Orange County Mansion!' I'd be world famous! Unlike those assholes on ghost busters that just knock over a lamp or turn on a tv; I'd dancing and even juggle right in front of them while spiring and unspiring right in front of their eyes. Just like the traveling freak shows from back in the day! Wouldn't that be smart?"
I'm stunned by her fake eagerness. She's usually so mellow. I've never seen her so harshly sarcastic and.... bitter. I stare at her stunned until she continues.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2017 ⏰

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